England: Transgender Girl Guides Leader Under Investigation After Dominatrix Photo is Discovered – IOTW Report

England: Transgender Girl Guides Leader Under Investigation After Dominatrix Photo is Discovered

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BLP: A leader of the Girl Guides, the British equivalent of the girl scouts, has been revealed as a dominatrix, posting disgusting and obscene pictures on his social media profile.

58-year-old Monica Sulley oversees the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers in Nottinghamshire after being appointed to that post in July. Feminists have pointed to pictures of Sulley, one dressed as a dominatrix, and another holding a fake rifle, and a third showing off what this mentally-ill man calls his “boobs,” as reasons of distress for this individual to serve in this post. more here

13 Comments on England: Transgender Girl Guides Leader Under Investigation After Dominatrix Photo is Discovered

  1. “… after she allegedly …”

    Why does the Media encourage this particular mental aberration?
    There is NO SUCH A THING as “Transgender!”
    It is a mental disorder among a community steeped in mental disorders.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is one reason why certain churches have their version of girl and boy scouts. I believe the Mormon’s run Boy Scouts now, but they also have their own church sponsored group. 7th-day Adventists have their girl/boy scouts called Pathfinders, and the Nazarene’s have their own youth sponsored groups. This is so they can control what the children are being taught and by whom. Mormons got themselves into trouble with the Boy Scouts. Seems as though the gays got into the organization and has put the Mormons in a bad light. I have to say, there’s no way in hell I’d have a kid in this day and age. I have no grandchildren either, and I’m pleased about that as well. Doesn’t seem fair to bring children into this world without their permission. Very little joy these days in raising a child.

  3. @Goldenfoxx Nope, the LDS Church cut ties with Scouting a couple of years ago at the end of 2019. I remember because our youngest son had to wrap up his Eagle project that fall and when we went to his review board there were nearly 100 LDS boys there with projects to be reviewed.

  4. “Why does the Media encourage this particular mental aberration? There is NO SUCH A THING as Transgender!”

    Mass programming. When people hear a lie repeated often enough, they either believe it or they ignore it without challenging it, knowing that alm opposition will be attacked and destroyed.

    The Left wins either way.


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