Enraged Elephant Charges Truck During African Safari, Killing Elderly American Tourist – IOTW Report

Enraged Elephant Charges Truck During African Safari, Killing Elderly American Tourist


A Safari in Africa got way too real, and it ended with an overturned truck and a dead elderly American tourist, as a furious wild bull elephant charged at a group of tourists and a guide in the Jungle of Zambia.

A Shocking video taken by one of the tourists in the truck captured the moment the 5-ton elephant charged at the vehicle — flipping it over several times.

An 80-year-old American woman – who was not identified, ended up dying from her wounds.

The six tourists were doing a Safari with the group Wilderness Zambia, and were out on a photography tour when they came under attack by the enraged animal. more

22 Comments on Enraged Elephant Charges Truck During African Safari, Killing Elderly American Tourist

  1. My daughter and her family are currently touring Europe. Against my wishes. It’s fucking Ramadan. My brother in law just got back from Safari. “Safari”. Exactly what is that? Me, I’m thinking a week in Ketchum Idaho would be really cool. I guess I AM old.

  2. Some of these touring Westerners may have been influenced, even if they don’t exactly recall it, by the 1960’s hit (maybe by the Mamas and Papas?) with the line: Go where you wanna go, do what you wanna do”. Yeah sure, go begging in Morocco and don’t forget to take the Marrakesh Express. Hope you get home in one piece without a life threatening disease.

    OK, go to Haiti for Spring Break kids. Enjoy yourself, get some tasty Haitian BBQ, smoke some weed, hang out at the beach. If a body washes ashore, forget it Jake, it’s just Haiti.

    A few years ago, two young Brit girls went hiking through some North African shithole. They were found a few days later, minus their heads, thanks to local bandits.

    Wanna go on Safari to Africa? You better hope the tour leader has an elephant gun. And don’t try to pet the kitties.

    Westerners are seen as ripe fruit ready to pick by a whole lot of Turd Worlders.

  3. There’s a few places I don’t care to go to. Africa, Europe, I’ve been to Asia. I’m not on board with exposing my ugly Americanism to bastards that hate us. Plus, elephants, hippos, lions, tigers, they don’t care who you are, you’re food, or an intruder.

  4. Modern photo safari is intended to give the illusion of danger but animals, by definition, are not under control and not rational.

    Sad, but it can happen.

  5. I’ll tell you where I would like to go is the Calchachi Valley in Argentina. It’s northern Argentina, high elevation. I’ve read about the area for a couple years. Small towns, good wineries and very remote. I’m not looking to visit any cities.Too bad it takes so much effort to get there, I probably won’t get there. But that’s where I would go!

  6. I’ve got a different take.

    Some people like these types of vacations and they pay their money to the tour guide to keep them safe. He failed, miserably, so sue the shit out of them.

    We’ve been to many different countries over the years, the last one was to Costa Rica (safe, clean, friendly, and the most bio-diverse country on the planet) this is my idea of “safari”.

    Due to the present state of the world as it is, our international travel is pretty much over. We have friends that keep inviting us to join them on their travels; African safari, The pyramids, Antarctica, even Israel. We politely decline, the risks are just to great.

    But I give that 80 year old woman props for still kicking it at her age.

  7. 𝒞𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓇FJB𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎, I walked to the mailbox this afternoon. And I always carry my trusty Security Six. I mean, even here in MO there are cats what can kill you. And meth-heads, and you will even see a coyote once in a while.

    Not that a Security Six is gonna scare an elephant.

  8. We sing a song around here, “Your ass is in a burn Barrel, Motherfucker!”

    It’s not exactly Joe Bonamassa. But close enough.

  9. These safari trips are just like the democraps’ campaign themes:
    “Everything’s fine. C’mon and join the fun!”
    Not really stating the fact that you will be in danger.

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