Enrollment drops at Seattle public school that houses violent homeless encampment – IOTW Report

Enrollment drops at Seattle public school that houses violent homeless encampment

Post Millennial-

Principal Tipton Blish of the Broadview- Thompson K-8 public school in Seattle admitted in an email that classrooms will need to be reorganized to due to plummeting enrollment. The school is currently home to a violent homeless encampment which has been growing for more than a year.

In an email sent to the families at the school Blish said, “At some point this week, we may need to reorganize classrooms. This is due to lower numbers of students than expected and the need to move at least one teacher, possibly two to other positions in Seattle Public Schools.”

Blish added, “Seattle Schools has made the decision to reduce the number of teachers at a handful of schools earlier than it has in the past and has done so in schools with significant drops in student numbers. Broadview-Thompson’s current size is nearly 100 fewer than was predicted in January.” read more

12 Comments on Enrollment drops at Seattle public school that houses violent homeless encampment

  1. Aaaaaaaaaand democRATz like McAwful would not only say that parents have no right to criticize the teacher’s agenda, they would also have no right to send their kids to anything but a government indoctrination camp!

  2. Sure appears as though the golden parachute set are the new little Eichmanns.
    The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation, will be the philosophy of the government in the next. – Abraham Lincoln.

  3. A friend who is a TA at one of Queen Anne’s elementary schools said that about 270 kids “just vanished” from the rolls among the anticipated students this year at the three local schools. I just read an article that roughly 7% of kids nation-wide are not returning to pubic schools this year. Coupled with last year’s numbers, it amounts to about 20%, the article said. Smart parents are wising up to the damage public schools are doing to their children.

  4. Never fails to amaze how people go along with trash like this then are shocked- shocked!- when they see it firsthand. But nobody ever said progressives were all Einstein’s, except themselves.


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