Entitled Woman Assaults McDonald’s Employees for Refusing Her Special Request – IOTW Report

Entitled Woman Assaults McDonald’s Employees for Refusing Her Special Request

…The worker then pushed the woman down to the ground, pummeled her and yanked her wig.

Western Journal:
Cherysse Cleveland, 44, was arrested at a McDonald’s restaurant in Ravenna, Ohio, on Monday morning after she was captured on video punching the store manager and another worker amid frustration that she wasn’t allowed to mix flavors of her slushie, according to police. MORE

49 Comments on Entitled Woman Assaults McDonald’s Employees for Refusing Her Special Request

  1. Seriously, how do you watch example after example of this behavior and much worse, and keep your mind from discriminating based on color i.e. black?

    Our brains are wired for this purpose.

    BLM, my fucking ass.

  2. All this drama over a McD’s Slushie?

    You can see how the whitey privileged patriarchical racists ganged up on that shrinking violet of a wymyn of color! She was only trying to get the properly flavored Slushie and the racists wouldn’t allow a wymyn of color to have a multi-colored (perhaps rainbow?) slushie! This could be a hate crime, tantamount to making skid marks on a fag crosswalk.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. From a related article: “This is not the first time Cleveland has been in trouble with the law. Court records show she was charged with felonious assault, kidnapping and disrupting public service in 2014. A criminal complaint states, in August of 2014, Cleveland caused ‘serious physical harm to Rebecca F. Biggers by throwing her to the ground and repeatedly hitting her with her hands and fists.’ The complaint also states, ‘victim was lying on ground after the initial attack, the defendant grabbed a glass lamp, stood over victim, and threw the lamp onto her body.'”

    The woman she assaulted was her elderly grandmother.

  4. Good thing the manager waved the White Boy off, because a White Boy getting involved is how your business gets demonized by the media, spoken of in firey terms on Capitol Hill, and held up by a Pedophile as an example of White Supremacy.

    Would be a heap of ashes designated as a George Floyd Autonomous Sacred Site under control of BLM by sunset with that White Boy in jail getting gang raped by angry Black Muslims, had that manager not held up her hand.

    …and THAT is why White Boys don’t intervene any more, because Democrats will use it to destroy them and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE they ever worked for and ruin their very lives, all for petty political gain…

  5. We apologize and have fired everyone in that restaurant, and are currently undergoing a corporate wide retraining to require all White employees to immediately consent to the smallest request of any Black who walks in, to be fulfilled for free when not kissing their Black asses or licking their Black feet. Cherysse will be given that franchise and we expect great things from her, though it’s not like we will tell you if it doesn’t work out, because that would be racist.

  6. My take: easy folks. Remember the black guy that’s got 2 medical degrees. It’s not a racial divide. It’s a divide against good people and bad people.

    And, I’ve seen plenty of videos of white scumbags doing similar things.

  7. Seeing LaShona thrown down, beat, and wig pulled, warmed the cockles of my flabby black heart.

  8. She appears demonic with a side of bat crap crazy – on a mission to commit mayhem.
    Soon to be former McDonalds employees (cause Wokeness) deserve hero medals for resisting that devil woman as long as they could, before one of them applying haymakers on her big evil head.

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