Ohio: Entrepreneur Shay Hawkins Hopes to Take Conservative Message to Columbus – IOTW Report

Ohio: Entrepreneur Shay Hawkins Hopes to Take Conservative Message to Columbus


Shafron “Shay” Hawkins is a candidate running to serve in Ohio’s House of Representatives. 

As the Republican nominee for Ohio’s 6th House District, a district surrounding Cleveland, Shay hopes to flip it from blue to red this November.

And he could very well pull it off.  more

9 Comments on Ohio: Entrepreneur Shay Hawkins Hopes to Take Conservative Message to Columbus

  1. I’m really looking forward to the GOP convention this year to hear encouraging messages like this one. As someone living the Cleveburgh area this is close to home. We need more traditional Conservatism instead of the usual, worn-out democRAT Snake-Oil hype that never gets anything done except higher taxes and of course this year the fact that they’ve been literally advertising all summer long that they fully intend to destroy America!!
    That and I heard that President Trump will be speaking every night! That always gets people motivated!!

  2. Black conservatives will thrive under Trump or die under Biden.

    Our nations future is due to a large degree to Black conservatives slapping the faces of the Dumpocraps.


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