Environmentalists Furious About Biden’s Intrusive New Green Initiative: ‘Do It Where You Live’ – IOTW Report

Environmentalists Furious About Biden’s Intrusive New Green Initiative: ‘Do It Where You Live’


Americans’ general frustrations with President Joe Biden continue to mount — and now the incumbent president seeking re-election is facing heat from some of the very same groups he so often champions.

Biden and his beleaguered administration have long pushed “green” initiatives no matter how polarizing those policies may be.

This time, however, it seems that polarization is hitting groups of environmentalists who are typically all aboard all things “green.”

The policy in question this time, per The Washington Post, is the method of “carbon capturing.”

“Carbon capturing” is exactly what it sounds like — taking those carbon emissions from various high-emission sources, “capturing” them and then storing them underground. more here

10 Comments on Environmentalists Furious About Biden’s Intrusive New Green Initiative: ‘Do It Where You Live’

  1. ASININE money laundering scheme.


    Sounds like trying to capture farts.

    HELL, we already have a repository of HOT GAS: CONGRESS! Toss the captured carbon in there.

    Better still, build a glass dome over D. C. and store it there. No one would notice amongst the current growing madness.

  2. Yep, it’s mainly a ripoff but scientifically it is indeed an experiment.

    When you mix carbon dioxide and water you get carbonic acid. This happens as rain falls through the atmosphere and the weak acid then happily dissolves carbonate rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. This is largely how sinkholes and caves form.

    And that’s from a WEAK carbonic acid solution. Carbon “capture” involves highly concentrated carbon dioxide. What, as they say, could go wrong?

  3. And what method are they going to use to ‘Capture’ the carbon?

    The broken down wind generated systems or destructive solar panels both of which destroy the natural beauty and habitat of the precious environment?!

  4. “Mm at 11:49 pm”

    Excellent! and…might we add:

    ‘The broken-down, wind-generated systems, destructive solar panels and their uneducated, self-appointed ownership of the “Environment”, ALL of which destroy the natural beauty and habitat of OUR precious environment?!’

  5. Uncle Al – Yep, it’s mainly a ripoff but scientifically it is indeed an experiment.

    That’s being kind. Quite frankly I think the Chinese are pushing a lot of this because it makes them money and it is destroying the West. They look at it as a Win-Win!

  6. I still get a chuckle when I think about those giant fart-balloons they want to attach to cows.

    Make me wonder if that giant chinese spy balloon wuz filled with Slant Farts!


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