Environmentalists Go Off On a Bender – IOTW Report

Environmentalists Go Off On a Bender

PL: I’ve observed recently that the election of Trump has driven environmentalists out of their minds. But that happens to mentalists of every kind, not just the enviro-version of mentalists. For years people have asked me, “Why are environmentalists always harping about the end of the earth?” Basic answer: Because it makes them happy.

Think I exaggerate? 

5 Comments on Environmentalists Go Off On a Bender

  1. Why don’t these weaselly, wealth-envious leftist envirofascists just move to some commie underdeveloped crappy third world country? It should meet their wildest dreams of not being rich.

  2. I recently picked up a brand new $15k Ferrari, aka a Ducati. My 2 cars sit idle. 48 MPG all day long. 0 to 60 in a blink. That’s my wealth. 10 to 1 a liberal cuck in his 5 ton SUV runs me over. Maybe I should drive less. haha.

  3. I laugh when I pick up a local paper or read online about some town, community, state, whatever who are still crying about Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord scam.

    They cry, but then say they are going to commit themselves to following the accord and fighting “climate change” on their own, screw Trump. I some how missed where Trump forbid anybody from living the green lifestyle. I missed where Trump said there would be no recycling programs, no roof top shall be allowed to have solar panels mounted it.

    They act as they have been waiting to join the fight and Trump stopped them cold. Where were they and what have they been doing for the past 10 years other than flapping their gums? I have never seen my lib neighbors planting gardens or driving hybrids or any green thing since I moved into the house I live now. Now they are doing green things because they think this is spiting Trump. LOL

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