Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent. – IOTW Report

Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent.

Tucker Carlson’s latest.

10 Comments on Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent.

  1. Now that Tucker is freelancing I like him a lot better than his Fox days. Maybe he was restrained from really saying what he wanted, or maybe being unceremoniously shown the door has given him a different perspective. Whatever the case is I like what he is doing now.

  2. Bring a pretender’s son isn’t quite the same thing. Even if he never does another thing except sit home and smoke his crack pipe and diddle his brother’s widow, I don’t think Hunter’s problems are over. At least I hope not.

  3. TBH, this format is totally unsatisfying for me. The news comes fast and furious in these times of uncertainty, calamity, dishonesty, and tragedy, one 10-minute segment on one story each week is wholly inadequate.

    Gone are the days when he could bitch slap a weasely politician for being stupid, have Col. McGregor on to give us the honest scoop on Ukraine, or Glen Greenwald recanting even more treasonous acts by the fifth column. His voice, along with the like-minded provided the necessary counterbalance to the drivel emanating from the MSM.

    Yeah, I’m spoiled, I want an hour of Tucker every day, and I’ll take it on podcast form if necessary.

  4. Does anyone remember the indictment and trial of Hunter? The courtroom sketches? Photos of him surrendering to police? How did we jump to the end without any legal process?

  5. Hillary Clinton destroyed all redibility of the FBI. Pelosi destroyed all credibilty of Congress. Biden destroyed all credibility of the rest of the federal government.


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