EPA administrator explains how electric trucks will be less racist – IOTW Report

EPA administrator explains how electric trucks will be less racist


As Twitchy reported earlier, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris today as he repeated his line that the solution to high gas prices is buying an electric car, which averages about what the average American household earns in a year. The solution is just not to be poor.

Also on hand was EPA Administrator Michael Regan, who toed the Biden administration’s line that we’re doing this green energy thing no matter how much it costs at the pump. What better time to transition to green energy? more

26 Comments on EPA administrator explains how electric trucks will be less racist

  1. I’m preclaiming ‘reparations’ for all the harm done to me on the basis of my race because neither I nor any of my southern European immigrants ever owned a slave.

    So just give me a Tesla (for free, yes, I will drive it). And we’ll be square.

  2. The rare earth metals used to make batteries & solar panels are getting harder to find.Good luck with that in the future millennials.

  3. It’s not about energy or electric cars, it’s about control. It is just like masking, social distancing, lockdowns and vaccine passes (and the Obama cough — their early test to see if they could get us to comply). They will not give up control (they barely gave it up with Trump). Their pollsters have told them Covid restrictions are political poison, so Covid is magically disappearing.

    Forcing impossibly high energy prices was on Obama’s (handlers) first term agenda, but he has had to wait until the second year of his third term to finally pull it off. You only need to look at what Obama did or tried to do in his first two terms to know what is coming. They are tired of waiting to finally realize their socialist paradise — powered by unicorn farts.

    I honestly doubt there will be elections next November, if it becomes apparent the Dems will lose either or both houses of Congress. The Tea Party and Trump put them off their schedule, They have shown that they will not allow any more delays.

    War in Ukraine is nothing more than a tool to stick to the script. We can soon add invasions of Taiwan, India, South Korea, Greece, Armenia and Georgia, Guyana and Colombia, maybe even Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi and the Emirates. Revolution in the stans, a repeat of the Arab Spring (my Egyptian friend told me that the price of food is skyrocketing there.) Mexico’s narco civil war spilling onto the US. A world war is just the ticket. (After all, they did not hesitate to trigger a global financial crisis to get Obama elected.) I see martial law in our near future. I also wonder what the FBI and Schiff’s House Un-American Activities Committee (renamed) will be able to do with the trucker’s protest?

    Putin is justifiably condemned for holding little value in human life. How are the Dems, neo-cons and nevertrumpers different?

    I really shouldn’t stay up so late, my inner conspiracy theorist starts to dominate.

  4. They seem to think they are Obi Wan and when they wave their hands and tell us those gas prices are not so bad.

    Pete Buttycheeks is an idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to do anything but sort clothes at Goodwill.

  5. Also, where do these idiots think that electricity for those expensive electric cars with the batteries made with cancer causing rare earth minerals that are shipped on marine fuel freighters comes from?
    It’s not just sucked out of the air.

  6. We don’t have the infrastructure to support EVs, but that’s OK, let’s run ’em off of fairy dust.

    Lemme see if I have this right – we’re supposed to blindly believe… a bunch of hack, thieving politicians who have flagrantly wasted our money and blatantly lied their collective asses off to us since day one… that they are going to invest our tax money into the infrastructure needed for EVs.

    Anyone who believes that load of fertilizer has a few screws loose!

    More likely by the time these bastards and inflation have had their way with us, it’ll cost $300.00 to recharge yer whutchamacallit, radio controlled, government governed vehicle provided that yer a good boy with no dings on yer Social Credit Score **IF** you can find a recharging station… that works!!
    Roger that!

    Oh Yeah… lemme get my wallet out for that! I just can’t wait to buy an electric car…NOT!


  8. Seizing the opportunity? What opportunity? The opportunity to blame Russia for higher gas prices? The opportunity to decimate the American economy? The opportunity to control the population? Etc,etc.

  9. @Diogenes Sarcastica March 8, 2022 at 5:46 am

    > The old idea of a president surrounding themselves with “Best and Brightest” seems to have be eliminated with Extreme Prejudice.

    That’s… so… ist!!!!!!

  10. Electric cars are less thermally efficient than ICE engines. ICE 0-30%, electric is 60% OF WHAT COMES OUT OF THE GRID. The grid is about 30% efficient. EV’s are therefore about 18% efficient, worse than a poor ICE. This doesn’t include the pollution generated in making them and disposing of the batteries. Nor the social cost – see the African kids getting beat as the come out of the cobalt ( I think) mine without enough ore to please the adult in charge.

  11. I live 9.9 miles from my favorite restaurant, where I have breakfast most days

    There is 1 charging station in town. It’s a mile walk to the restaurant

    I live in a 90 year old farm house. you can feel a draft on a calm day. it has an ancient 100 amp service panel. Would you hook up a charging outlet to that?

    an electric car would be as useful to me as a bicycle would be to a trout.

  12. The average cost of an EV base model is $57,000. If you run the batteries down to 0%, they are trash. Landfills will not accept them because of the nickel used in them. If, by luck, you find a place that will accept them, you will be charged a fee of between $5,000 to $10,000 to dispose of them. If you have to purchase new battery packs, they start at $25,000 & go up from there. The dealer who installs them will charge around $10,000 on top of that for labor. Roughly $45,000 all told to replace, recycle & re-install. Almost the price of the EV in the first place. I doubt Buttcheeks & the whore considered that or even know it. But, what do they care? It would never affect them. Because, Democrats, you know?


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