EPA Cleared in Agency-Caused Environmental Disaster, Despite Official’s Admissions – IOTW Report

EPA Cleared in Agency-Caused Environmental Disaster, Despite Official’s Admissions

Daily Signal: A government watchdog reported Monday that the Environmental Protection Agency committed no wrongdoing in an environmental disaster, but the auditors ignored crucial inconsistencies in officials’ stories.

TomMacnamara LaPlata county

The EPA breached Colorado’s Gold King Mine on Aug. 5, 2015, resulting in an estimated 3 million gallons of toxic pollution being dumped into a river that provides drinking water for people living in three states and the Navajo Nation. The pollution turned the river water yellow for days after the initial dumping.  more here

8 Comments on EPA Cleared in Agency-Caused Environmental Disaster, Despite Official’s Admissions

  1. The mine waters were not toxic. The dilution of the discharged Gold King Mine water downstream in the Animas River solved the environmental problems. But the EPA caused the discharge, and anyone else would be facing financial ruination.

  2. Once again we see that the law does not apply to those in the political royalty, the same as Hillary’s ability to walk away from several felony charges. If you or I had dumped 3 million gallons of mine discharge into a river we would have every penny we own taken and our butts would be locked up until our Great Grandchildren died of old age.

    But for the political royalty, they are above and beyond the law. Not only are they above investigation, but even when the public sees their crimes, not only are they NOT prosecuted, they might even get a raise and/or promotion. (VA, EPA, Hillary).

    The VA proved this fact, even after the managers of the Phoenix VA hospital was caught red handed cooking the books on the appointment wait times so they could get bonuses, NONE of those people were prosecuted, or demoted or fired…Heck they didn’t even have to pay back the bonuses they got for KILLING vets.

    Rant over, now back to your normal programming…

    MSG Grumpy

  3. That little butch, clipped hair dyke that ran the EPA spent her time persecuting property owners about what they’re allowed to do on their own land. She’s another one long overdue for a rope.

  4. this is what happens when an unaccountable, unprincipled, unethical permanent Bureaucrat Class are considered to be above the law. Federal Gummint bureaucrats have metastisized like an unstoppable cancer upon the American Public.

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