EPA: Ethanol Hurts The Environment – IOTW Report

EPA: Ethanol Hurts The Environment


EPA Released A Long-Delayed Report Showing Ethanol Hurts The Environment.

An extensive report from the Environmental Protection Agency found that including ethanol into the U.S. gas supply is wreaking havoc on the atmosphere and soil.

In a study titled “Biofuels and the Environment: The Second Triennial Report to Congress,” the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that ethanol derived from corn and soybeans is causing serious harm to the environment. Water, soil and air quality were all found to be adversely affected by biofuel mandates.

“Evidence since enactment of [the Energy Independence and Security Act] suggests an increase in acreage planted with soybeans and corn, with strong indications from observed changes in land use that some of this increase is a consequence of increased biofuel production,” read a portion of the 159-page report.

The ethanol mandate has negatively effected water quality, with greater biofuel production resulting in more harmful algae blooms and hypoxia. While most algae is harmless to water, some forms — such as the kind produced in Lake Eerie from biofuel feedstock — has emitted toxic chemicals into the water. This harmful algae can consume the oxygen in the water, a process known as hypoxia, killing other wildlife.  read more

26 Comments on EPA: Ethanol Hurts The Environment

  1. Some of the stupid things that humans have done:
    1. Burn down the Rainforest
    2. Allow millions of illegal aliens into the US
    3. Put food in gasoline
    4. Elect Hussein Obama President
    5. Wheel the Trojan horse inside the compound
    6. Allow Democrats to breed
    7. No ID needed to vote
    8. Sleeping in on December 7, 1941
    9. Appeasing Hitler

  2. 3. Put food in gasoline
    Actually, you mean “put gasoline in food.”

    Before loaded ethanol trucks leave the ethanol plant, gasoline is added to the ethanol so it can’t be used in beverages.

    Ethanol does more than ruin the environment, it ruins carburetors; fuel pumps; fuel lines; gas tanks; injectors; so on and so forth; pretty much everything it touches is ruined.

  3. I live among miles of beans and corn in every direction. Out here, we don’t need to have emissions tests done to our vehicles.

    You’d think, with all the farmers and the resources they produce that ethanol would be widely available.

    However, some of the busiest gas stations in the area are those that sell 100% RUG!

    I had a 2016 truck and now I have the same truck as a 2018 model. I get a noticeable increase in gas mileage between the two trucks. Like averaging 12MPG to now averaging 17MPG. There has been no updates, engine changes, etc. between the two trucks. So, why the better gas mileage?

    2 reasons.

    1.) Less progressive goofs for me to get away from.

    2.) I’m buying 100% RUG

  4. Thanks EPA. I got sloppy and left 10% ethanol gas in my motorcycle tank. It ate the diaphragm out of the vacuum operated fuel valve and filled the crankcase with fuel. Because I check the sight glass on the engine before every start, I caught it.

    Got to work rectifying gas washed bearings in the crankcase. Which if you’ve wrenched engines much at all know how bad that is.

    Threw that fuel valve into low orbit and installed a manual one.

    And that bike will NEVER have another drop of ethanol contaminated fuel in it.

    Yep, all my fault, I should never have used the stuff even though the users manual says 10% ethanol fuel is approved for use.

  5. Anyone that’s ever tried to grow corn in the same place more than twice knows how much corn depletes the soil. There just won’t be any yield on #3.
    Must we assume that corn-producing land won’t produce corn forever?

  6. ecp:
    totally agree with your post. ‘putting gasoline in food’
    Older cars, english ones especially, have real rubber components (O-rings, gaskets, etc.) and ethanol destroys them.

    At this point, ethanol is a racket. Monsanto loves it, and yet “Minnesota 13” corn is shunned, though it is ideal if this must be used.

  7. Beef fat, coffee, butter, natural sugar, and what not was good to eat until it wasn’t and then until it was again. The government decides what we could put into even out bods, our cars our everythings, mandating and demonizing until someone learns the gov was wrong.

    EVERYTHING is politicized. The food pyramid is even grossly manipulated by lobbyists.

  8. This seems like it would be a quick win for Trump and end these subsidies. They don’t primarily go to small-time, household farmers.

    They got to the megacorp farms of Archer Daniels Midland and the like.


    The Left was all “its corporate welfare” then but now if you talk about ending ethanol subsidies then they dust off the John Cougar Mellencamp and Rain on the Scarecrow.

    Those poor, benighted backwards ass Trump voting numbnuts who now feel “Trumpgret”. Uh-huh.

    Ethanol farming poisons the earth, takes food out of the mouth of the poor to put into your gas tank, you subsidize it to make it, you subsidize it again to buy it and then you have a hidden tax when you go to the grocery store.

    We have more oil than we can pump out. End this relic of the 1970s. The 70s might have been a good time for american cinema but for energy policy it is the last decade we should ever try to emulate.

  9. Not only could President Trump eliminate the corn subsidies, but the improvement in gas mileage Gould achieve improved CAFE without Obama’s stupid edict. Win-win.

  10. Ethanol is one of those political 3rd rails, but I have a fix.
    A. Make Iowa’s primary or caucus (or whatever the hell they have) a middle-of-the-pack event so it’s basically irrelevant.
    B. Tell the corn lobby to fuck off.
    C. Problem solved.

  11. Unfortunately, I’ve heard when President Trump is at a rally in Iowa, he goes along with this. I even heard him refer to E85.
    Anyone running for President has to win Iowa.

  12. Environmentalists are one of the worst groups ever inflicted on America. First, no paper bags at grocery stores, replace with plastic. Now, plastic is on the hit list. Costco has used their expty boxes to put your purchases in. Stores are charging for bags, plastic or paper. Wait til they attack toilet paper. Only three things should go in to your toilet, urine, fecal matter and toilet paper. No kleenex or disposable diaper. the don’t dissolve properly.They do clog up the works. People have become lazy for convenience. convenience


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