EPA Raids Ammunition Component Factory in Montana – IOTW Report

EPA Raids Ammunition Component Factory in Montana


Empty Brass Ammo

Washington DC – -(Ammoland.com)-  On March 27th 2014 the Environmental Protection Agency’s Criminal Division (EPA) raided USA Brass in Bozeman, Montana.

FBI agents were also on scene.

“USA Brass cleans and sells ammunition casings” which are then reused to make more ammunition.

According to NBC Montana, Agent Bert Mardsen said the EPA was “investigating alleged violations of environmental law.” He would not provide details of the investigation, except to say “there [was] no immediate threat to the public or the community” at the time of the raid.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, after an investigation of the company in 2013, said the company had “overexposed workers to lead and failed to provide basic safeguards to reduce lead exposure, including breathing protection and protective clothing.”



18 Comments on EPA Raids Ammunition Component Factory in Montana

  1. “Constitution? I don’t need no steeenkin Constitution.”
    “I got a pen and a phone that spits on your Constitution rag.”

    Brace yourself, there is a lot more of that coming in the remainder of the princess tyrant’s term. That’s what John Podesta was brought in to coordinate.

  2. But at least they didn’t violate any Constitutional law. (Snark function- OFF)

    Srsly? The EPA needs an armed enforcement division? We are screwed.
    There’s gonna be a fight.
    Let’s win!

  3. He is arming al qaeda http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/2/obama-arming-al-qaeda/

    and the Mexican drug cartels with Fast and Furious,

    turning a blind eye to the muslim extremist camps already operating in this country,


    leaving the borders wide open for infiltration by either of these groups and disarming and/or creating difficulties for law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the criminals he is arming.

    He is, in the words of liberal professor Jonathan Turley, Obama ‘The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid’

  4. Barry sez, jobs for me and not for thee.
    The EPA is a rogue agency sent to do the bidding of a petulant mulatto child having a temper tantrum. It is the face of tyranny, Little Barry’s face – a face that wants you dead because it can’t stand being the World’s organ grinding monkey.
    He fails to understand that in several years he and his ilk will be separated from the power they so richly abuse and by God, there will be trials, and certainly people will go to prison.

  5. Someone could win big in 2016 if they ran on a platform of shutting down the departments of: Energy, EPA and Education with a promise that ‘that just for starters’. Have a bullet point mantra explaining why these departments have not only failed in their stated mission but have made each area they cover an unmitigated disaster. Bring victims of these departments on the roadshow. Start quoting Jefferson “a government feared by the people is tyranny” followed up by dean Warner quote to the would be Low information voter “fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life”

  6. Pardon my suspicions, but maybe it was a practice run, to prepare for a bigger action and venue elsewhere. After all, we here in MT are few in number and live in “flyover country”. Most of the “press’ will have a great excuse to pay no attention.

    @ jerry b.: You always should pick up your brass, especially .45s, which you can reload practically forever. And, if you won’t be reusing the brass, you can always give it to someone else who can use it.

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