EPIC Meme Compares Democrats In The Past To Democrats Today – IOTW Report

EPIC Meme Compares Democrats In The Past To Democrats Today

Federalist Papers project:

Robert Gehl reports “May Day is now considered a riot.”

And with that announcement, police in Seattle and Portland began rounding up and arresting violent anarchists, socialists and other Marxist acolytes on the left’s day to honor the “workers of the world.”

Of course, it never turns out that way. Somehow, the “workers” get ignored. The revolutionary vanguard has bigger tasks. Like destruction, chaos, and mayhem.  read the rest here

10 Comments on EPIC Meme Compares Democrats In The Past To Democrats Today

  1. Unruly children of the left are nothing if not predictable. The President just delivered a huge bitch slap that has them stunned. Not quite so smug now are they.

  2. This is a glimpse of what life under socialists/communists would be, and is like. Violent repression is a preferred means to an end, and it doesn’t stop if or when totalitarians gain power – if anything, it gets worse.

    I know far to many people who excuse this conduct by claiming that these people are upset because they care. No, this is how they are – unruly spoiled children. The public should consider these riots and violent protests as a warning.

  3. A notice was given to the protesters regarding the vandalism that occured. Everyone must respect laws/regulations.#manifencours #MayDay2017

    This is how the police handled it. Why is it when conservatives have peaceful demonstrations they are treated roughly.

  4. for a look at our future if Leftists continue unchallenged in our country, just take a look at the current events occurring in Venezuela.

    This Is How Socialism ALWAYS Ends. Always.

  5. “We didn’t have to go to school … and we got to kill people …”

    Cambodian communist’s (socialist’s) answer to why he joined the Party.
    (Black Book of Communism, Courtois, et.al.)

    izlamo delenda est …

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