Epidemic of young men are simply choosing not to work – IOTW Report

Epidemic of young men are simply choosing not to work

JTN: Chief Investment Officer and founder of wealth management firm The Bahnsen Group, David Bahnsen said there is a major epidemic in the U.S. of young men deciding not to work.

“I think that the decline in labor participation for us began a long time ago,” Bahnsen said on the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “There were circumstances that were severely exacerbated during COVID. But culturally, we have an epidemic of primarily men that are choosing not to work.” more here

27 Comments on Epidemic of young men are simply choosing not to work

  1. Janet Mills ended work requirements and time limits for welfare in ME 6 yrs ago. Young men with girlfriends and babies stopped working.
    Mills used the lack of young men working as an excuse to bring in illegals.
    I imagine other leftist guvs did similar.
    The average welfare home makes more money than young working families.

  2. As with most of our societies ills, look no further than the implementation of DEI.

    White males are checking out because they see that the deck is stacked against them. Their efforts and industry mean little and are not rewarded on the merits of their hard work, subordinated in a society that values skin color over ability.

    And the males of “color”know that they are bulletproof, they know that they possess Willy Wonka’s golden ticket, a get out of jail free card that allows them free rein in the workplace. And again, effort and merit count for nothing.

  3. There’s no penalty for not working, only rewards for not working. Free money, food, rent, phone, why would they need to go to work? Why does the public enable them? I cringe when I see them around town with their pants down around their ass. My parents taught me that if I didn’t work I won’t eat. I think they lied to me.

  4. Both of the above are valid.
    Trump simply needs to enforce the laws that say you have to be a citizen or a green card to work. Also remove federal welfare programs, which are unconstitutional anyhow. Most illegals will self-deport (I am happy to pay for flights out), and without free money flowing in the lazy young people will get a kick in the butt – which will likely lead to at least some of them discovering the joy of putting in a hard day’s work, developing real relationships, and enjoying the fruits of their labor.

  5. A guy down the road has his 35 and 33 year old sons still living at home. One works 2 days a week as a waiter and the other sleeps on the sofa 14 hours a day. The mother bought both of them bicycles last Christmas. Probably just waiting for the parents to die.

  6. Loco, what’s that old saying ,”I’m as nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory”?

    My favorite team against the team I despise the most, a very epitome of good versus evil.

    The 49ers, 35 to 27, now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

  7. Rich, I have the 49ers 34, Chiefs 30
    Beats the spread and the “over”
    Christian McCaffrey wins MVP due to three TDs.
    He runs one, catches one, and passes one.
    Mahomes has the ball at the end and gets intercepted in the end zone.
    Taylor Swift, still jet lagged from Japan, gets booed.

    Gambling Problem?
    Dial 1-800-WIN-LOCO
    $9.95 first minute, $4.99 after…

  8. Even if I did get a job, I can’t look at or speak to any blacks or any women. Even at that, I’d probably still get shitcanned for not acknowledging how great blacks and women are. Lose/lose.

  9. Welfare bennies in Wa-Wa land: family of four in excess of $120,000/yr.

    Combine the hammock with the DIE disincentives (you can be sued/fired for speaking up about unethical or even unlawful behaviour of protected classes)….

  10. What’s the proper etiquette for when the black national anthem is played at the SB? Sit, stand, salute, hand on your Saturday night special, scratch your ass, drink a 40, what?

  11. “We tried to relieve want, not to supply indolence.”
    (Solon of Athens, ~ 3000 years ago)

    “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.”
    [The more things change, the more they stay the same.]
    Nothing new under the Sun.

    We’re living through the disintegration of the Republic (and maybe Western Civilization) – someone should write this down – gonna be a helluva show.
    The fall of Rome brought a thousand years of wars, famine, pestilence, and miseries to a great part of the World – America’s collapse will be equally catastrophic.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Once the free stuff has started, it isn’t stopping unless: 1. The government pulls the rug out from them, but that ain’t going to happen, the riots and mayhem will be worse. 2. The money runs out. When that happens you will have riots, mayhem, and worse. Socialism works until they run out of other people’s money. Hope you’re all prepared, TSWHTF. I hope it happens after I die…..

  13. Won’t know until after
    I’m reading it as
    A Progression Regression
    From Now swiftly back to Britney
    And Tongue Licking Old Turds on FOX
    And Girls Gone Wild
    Straight back to the Original Whore


  14. I started delivering morning newspapers in 1966 when I was 13 in 1966, started pumping gas for my dad at his gas station a year later and all thru out HS on weekends and during the Summer, worked for a year as a janitor in Portland when I was 18, joined the Navy for 3 years at 19 in 1972 and have worked all sorts of other jobs over the past 56 years or so until 2022 when I finally retired. And that was only because of COVID and issues with my right foot which finally ended last Summer and now I can volunteer and find other things to do with my time. The kids who won’t work now are a bunch of worthless weenies who don’t deserve any respect or freebies.

  15. One of the young guys I know has an older brother that isn’t worth spit. He told the younger brother: Why bother even applying, I’m a white male and they don’t want me. Even if I did get a job the government is going to screw me out of everything I make anyway.

    He’s got a masters degree in some kind of horse shit and lives in the garden shed in his parents back yard. He gets money from somewhere and spends it mostly on pot.

  16. They hate us geoff because the educational system has indoctrinated them to think that we got everything handed to us. We were born in some of the best times but we had no say in when we were conceived. Still, we’re the bad guys.

    I’m not losing one wink of sleep over it mind you.

  17. Neither am I, we came from a different and better generation that was taught the value of working hard early on. Most of us, at least anyways, stoners being the exception. And none of these young punks don’t have a draft hanging over their heads like we did that everyone in our generation hated. If I hadn’t had a good work ethic, I doubt very seriously that I would’ve been married to my wife for 36 + years until she died from leukemia. And we both worked and successfully raised 3 children.

  18. I blame modern parents, especially Single Moms. In general, they are the generation that didn’t make their kids mow the lawns or get part time jobs in High School. Who decided that their kids were to good for menial labor and hired landscapers, instead. The women who drove their little boys to the bus stop. The parents who wanted to be the “cool mom or dad”. Who wanted to be liked, not respected. The parents that medicated their kids so that they wouldn’t have to deal with the tough job of parenting. The parents raised by TV.

    I have three sisters and they all raised failures. They were helicopter parents who shielded their kids from all harm, real or perceived. Not one of my nieces or nephews ever went to the emergency room. Not one of them ever owned a bicycle or roller skates; Too Dangerous!! Not one of them were ever told “NO”. Not one of them ever received any criticism or were told that they were wrong. About anything.

    Today, both of my nieces are single moms. Two of my 30+ year old nephews still live at home and have never had carrier-oriented jobs, and have probably never worked 40 hours in a week or held a job for more than 2 years. And their moms, my sister, expect that my wife and I will leave our money and property to their kids and have told them to expect such.

    What’s wrong with kids these days? Their mommas brung ’em up wrong is what it is.

  19. I grew up in a family of 5 siblings. We got government cheese and powdered milk. I never felt poor because my parents had it worse when they were kids, so they never complained. I had chores, took a job out of high school, decided 4 years later to go to college because I wanted to do more with my life. Worked my way through school to supplement scholarships and loans. Paid my loans back the first year out of college.

    I learned my work ethic from my dad and mom because I watched what they did. Saved for what I wanted, and if I didn’t have enough, I didn’t need it. My parents never talked to me about anything, just expected me to make my own way, and I did. All of us did. Some of us had hard times, but we never expected anyone to bail us out. We were on our own.

    Was that the difference from people being raised to feel entitled? Not once have I ever felt entitled to anything except what I earn myself. I feel sorry for these babies at 30-40 years old who can’t take care of themselves.


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