Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump – IOTW Report

Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

Epstein fixer Michael Sitrick told Los Angeles Magazine thieves broke into his Brentwood office over the New Year’s holiday and stole his computer servers just hours before a tranche of Epstein documents were unsealed and released to the public.

And… Third Round of Epstein Documents Unsealed: Computers Removed From Epstein Palm Beach Mansion Before FBI Conducted Search.

SNIP: I’m already bored with this.

10 Comments on Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

  1. Surprise, surprise! ‘They’ follow their scripts to the letter.

    Of course the office did not have security cameras anywhere. Oh wait, I am presuming the ‘burglary’
    Is real, the ‘stolen stuff was probably delivered to those interested in destroying the evidence. Blackmail is a powerful weapon.

  2. “I’m already bored with this.”

    If there was anything to it, we would know by now. From what little I see, it’s just gossip and insinuations about Bill, and now Hillary. Tawdry crap we’ve known for years. These files don’t even rise to the level of Limited Hangout.

    And who cares about some Epstein Fixer, whatever that means. If his “computer servers” were full of incriminating bombshells, why would someone wait until the day before doomsday to steal them? I already left the theater. Hell, I left during the previews.

  3. While it is true that our “better” will occupy the deepest circle of Hell when their times come. They will probably not be allowed by the other “guests” to commingle.

  4. One Nation Under God

    Can HALF THIS COUNTRY, those who are so dishonest, so despicably selfish, SO EVIL, dare to mouth those words?!?!?!

    I for one, as part of the other half of this nation, DO NOT consider us one. They are the loathsome heretics that belong on the other side of a border wall.

    Secession, Revolution, Civil War…. whatever it takes. Spring cleaning and a FAIR ELECTION this fall. Only then will this nation be cleansed of this gangrenous treason.

  5. This “burglary” may just be an excuse not to produce the documents. “Gee, officer, I was gonna hand them over today, but last night somebody stole the servers right out of their racks!”

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