Epstein Guards Cop To Falsifying Prison Logs, Cut Deal With Feds To Avoid Doing Time – IOTW Report

Epstein Guards Cop To Falsifying Prison Logs, Cut Deal With Feds To Avoid Doing Time

Daily Caller-

The two Bureau of Prisons workers who were on duty the night Jeffrey Epstein took his own life have admitted to falsifying prison documents, The Associated Press reported.

In addition to that revelation, authorities said Friday that Tova Noel and Michael Thomas had reached a deal with federal prosecutors to avoid jail time, according to The Associated Press.

Noel and Thomas were charged with lying on official prison forms when they originally claimed to have made the required rounds and prisoner checks. Instead, prosecutors said, the two had shopped online and sleeping through their shift on the August 2019 night that Epstein died. The New York City medical examiner’s office ruled the financier and convicted pedophile’s death a suicide. read more

21 Comments on Epstein Guards Cop To Falsifying Prison Logs, Cut Deal With Feds To Avoid Doing Time

  1. I wonder if he’s still alive too. Photos of the “body” being removed from the cell showed a very different earlobe and chin line from actual photos of Epstein.

    Anyway, I couldn’t fucking care less. He’s a scumbag and if he’s still alive, it can’t be a very pleasant life. None the less, when he crosses over, he’s going to know real terror

  2. The corruption in this country is immeasurable

    The only chance I see for a return to ‘normalcy’ will require much bloodshed.

    No wonder they want our guns.

  3. Usually when you make a plea deal with prosecutors, they get something in return, like testimony to convict higher-ups. What did they get from these two? Nada.

  4. He just moved to a new island.
    Where are the Clintons visiting these days?
    Follow the people from his flight log. Ask Oprah or her girlfriend Gayle King.
    I bet George Stephanopoulos knows.

  5. OMG, when does the deceit and deception stop! It is all so corrupt and sick to read. IF he is actually dead by his own hand (STOP I don’t think so) well we are all better off. BUT, BUT, BUT if someone’s were involved WHY??? It was pretty obvious that there was a lot of prominent individuals involved in Epstein’s sick island. Gosh, makes me sick to think.

    God Bless us all!

  6. “Tova Noel and Michael Thomas had reached a deal with federal prosecutors to avoid jail time”

    well yes, that was the deal reached before epstein didn’t kill himself.

    what was the monetary contribution to the guards who didn’t see epstein kill himself?

  7. Hambone nailed it. Were the bank accounts of these two chair-moistening corruptards ever forensically audited?

    They should look for depo’s from
    *Georgi Soros SA
    *Killary Corp
    *The Prince Andrew Benevolent Paedophile Fund Ltd
    *Angela Merkel Uber Allës Gmbh
    *John Roberts Adoption Trust LLC
    *Mike Pence Gay Pride Fund LLC
    *Judge Andrew Sullivan Paedophilia Foundation
    *Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Trusts For Child-Trafficking

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