’Equality Crusade’ Lowers Student Scores – IOTW Report

’Equality Crusade’ Lowers Student Scores

Truth Revolt: Public School’s Social Justice ’Equality Crusade’ Lowering Student Scores

“Academic rigor is unraveling, high school reading and math test scores are sliding, and students increasingly fear bullying and persecution.”

The Weekly Standard has published an alarming report on the failures of one Minnesota town’s public schools after it launched an initiative that put equality of students above education. Now, a district known for high quality schools has turned into a “social justice factory” that is churning out uneducated SJWs.

As Katherine Kersten writes in her article, Edina public schools shifted its curriculum in 2013 and began teaching from the “All for All” plan. Though it was sold as promoting racial harmony within the student body, it was really a plan to show that institutional biases are keeping minority students at the bottom of the class while white students excelled.

But a few short years later, Edina schools went from being the “gold standard” to nearly no standards at all.  more here

6 Comments on ’Equality Crusade’ Lowers Student Scores

  1. Time to drastically cut dollars from education. Invest in private, competitive, and accountable Education Contracting firms. The left has gone too far and they have no intention of stopping. Time to get the left out of the Education racket.

  2. Equality to leftists means cutting achievers down so they will be in an equally shitty station as those who refuse to try. Communism in education.

    I’m trying to protect my kids from that sort of thing (and some other things) by homeschooling them.

  3. Some students will learn what organizations are theirs, and which are not. Some students will learn what organizations are worth fighting for, are worth saving, and which should be allowed to burn, maybe have their ashes stomped on, just to be sure they’re done.

    This is why communal education is a Very Good Thing. The students most in need of such lessons, are most often from families most likely to lie to them about these things.

  4. Booker T. Washington got his education 150 years ago because he wanted it so badly that he scraped pennies together, traveled to the school without enough money to get there, went into debt with the school for tuition despite working his ass off and paid off the debt. When he started a school in Tuskegee he had no money, but managed to get some land, then required that every student put in sweat equity as well as money to build it.
    I want people who had to work their asses off to get the education they wanted. I would love it if every kid experienced even a fraction of what Booker went through. Sending them to a public school doesn’t do that.

  5. Yes, Zilla, I be been saying the same for years. Finally got to a better school where they don’t have these commie “group” and “team” projects where everybody gets the same grade, no matter who does the work.

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