Eric Clapton Releases New Song Pushing Back Against COVID Dictates and Totalitarian Government, “This Has Gotta Stop” – IOTW Report

Eric Clapton Releases New Song Pushing Back Against COVID Dictates and Totalitarian Government, “This Has Gotta Stop”

CTH: It’s good to have slowhand on team freedom.  Legendary singer and songwriter Eric Clapton has released a new song in defense of freedom as the totalitarian dictates of the various COVID authorities destroy the lives of people everywhere.  WATCH:

8 Comments on Eric Clapton Releases New Song Pushing Back Against COVID Dictates and Totalitarian Government, “This Has Gotta Stop”

  1. @Mildred good on him. Good looking man, for a blonde. Sounds like an Aussie, his homeland must mortify him. And his post is awesome! Set of balls on that one for sure.

  2. Clapton docks his yacht in ME for the summers.
    The “Slowhand”.

    I love the rockers from the 60’s & 70’s once again rebelling against “the man”.

    Younger people are speaking up now. John Rich is getting really ticked off. Comedians (not phonies on late night) are finally waking up.


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