Eric Fartwell accused of verbally assaulting MTG’s aide in the halls of Congress (In front of reporters) – IOTW Report

Eric Fartwell accused of verbally assaulting MTG’s aide in the halls of Congress (In front of reporters)

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16 Comments on Eric Fartwell accused of verbally assaulting MTG’s aide in the halls of Congress (In front of reporters)

  1. I’ve, personally, noticed how arrogant, egotistical, self-important, and arrogant (and did I mention arrogant) politicians tend to be. Unfortunately it’s on both sides of the political spectrum…mostly left-leaners tho.

  2. there will be no civility in DC until the democrats are crushed. Thats why Gods intervention is so necessary, to destroy the evil that lurks in the hearts of all democrat politicians and beaurocrats.

  3. If you do a little research on Swallowswell, that pussy, you’ll find he attended some indoctrination center on a Soccer Scholarship. In my day, wrestlers and football players use to fight a lot, but we’d join forces to beat the fuck out of the Soccer Team. Maybe that’s his problem. It’s not football bitches.

  4. You can’t blame Swallowell for being a tad edgy. He misses his ChiCom girlfriend. She ruv him rong time.

    As far as mask goes, Swallowell is probably following the trend layed out by that pencilnecked dweeb David Hogg who tweeted that he plans to keep his mask on; so no one will mistake him for a Trump supporter. They’re gonna make the mask the mark of their beast.

    That observation being made, I think that following trends should also be adopted as signifiers for being a Trump voter:

    1. Not jumping off tall structures.

    2. Not eating dog shit off the lawn.

    3. Not consuming rat poison.

    4. Never wearing a knockoff of a Hells Angels or Mongols biker gang logo.

    If you follow the behavior patterns listed above, you are definitely a Trump supporter without a doubt.

  5. The thing to do is pull a white glove out of your pocket, and smack him across the face with it. Then proclaim that he has sullied your honor, and to chose between sabers, foils, or pistols tomorrow morning at sunrise.
    That’s how they used to deal with poltroons like Fartswell in the early days of congress.

  6. ^^^^ “poltroon” … lmao! …. haven’t seen that one used in a sentence in a loooooong time

    thanks for the wordsmithing …. wordsmithery? ^^^^

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