Eric Holder: Fingerprinting Is Racist – IOTW Report

Eric Holder: Fingerprinting Is Racist

TH: Former Attorney General Eric Holder has come out against proposals in Chicago and New Jersey to require fingerprint background checks of drivers for ride-hailing platforms such as Uber and Lyft. Why would President Obama’s onetime top lawman come out against regulation that is supposed to protect the riding public? Credit the intersection of two forces. First, Holder’s tony corporate law firm, Covington & Burling, represents Uber. Also, as Holder sees it, requiring drivers to submit fingerprints may “have a discriminatory impact on communities of color.”

I was surprised to read about Holder’s opposition, as I have trouble seeing Holder as a model for social justice. As deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, Holder gave a “neutral-leaning to positive” recommendation for the pardon of billionaire Marc Rich, who fled to Switzerland to evade fraud and tax evasion charges. As President Obama’s first attorney general, he was so stingy with the pardon power that political scientist P.S. Ruckman wrote that inmates seeking clemency had “a better chance of being struck by lightning.”  MORE

11 Comments on Eric Holder: Fingerprinting Is Racist

  1. Holder went on to say “those gosh darn fingerprint thingies are the reason so many fine young garfoon Nubians are in the Big House to begin with…”.

  2. Holder needs to be fingerprinted right after his arrest as an accessory to murder in reference to the Fast and Furious fiasco. Then he can be extradited to Mexico to face justice in the deaths those guns are linked to.

  3. A filthy fuckkin liar can do nothing other than tell filthy fukkin lies.
    Holder will do anything, and everything, to hasten the demise of this country.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. finger prints are all old school.
    it’s dna now.
    and it’s used to release incarcerated prisoners all the time.
    makes me wonder about the fingerprints first used and the dna tests now used and the conviction rate validity.

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