Eric Holder Triumphantly Returns To Law Firm That Lobbies For Banks – IOTW Report

Eric Holder Triumphantly Returns To Law Firm That Lobbies For Banks

eric holder


Trying to determine Barack Obama’s most corrupt, crony appointee presents a virtually impossible task. Every single person he’s appointed to a position of power over the course of his unfathomably shady, violent and unconstitutional presidency, has been little more than a gatekeeper for powerful vested interests. Obama’s job was to talk like a marxist, but act like a robber baron. In this regard, his reign has been an unprecedented success.

All that said, if anyone is a top contender for the worst of the worst of the Obama Administration, it’s Eric Holder. As head of the Department of Justice, he was the one man who could’ve played an enormously positive role in American society, by punishing those responsible for creating the financial crisis that destroyed tens of millions of lives globally. Instead, he chose to actively protect the financial oligarchs and ushered in a tragic new era for these United States. One in which the world suddenly realized that the U.S. is little more than a glorified oligarchy. Essentially an aggressive Banana Republic armed with nuclear weapons and the swagger of a third world dictator.  MORE

15 Comments on Eric Holder Triumphantly Returns To Law Firm That Lobbies For Banks

  1. The only consolation in all of this is we are only 17 months away from not being plagued daily by the race baiting Obamas and their stooges.

    Even if, God forbid, we get Frau Clinton, it’s a fair bet that stirring up racial animus will be a low priority for her. She’s gonna move to the Battle of the Sexes.

    And it will be then that the 98% of “people of color” who supported these scheisters will know, really learn, how much ground they actually lost through this experiment.

    My guess is that most people are worn completely out with dealing with the (mostly) self-inflicted woes of black folks.


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