Eric ‘Shartwell’ Walks Back Call for Impeachment – IOTW Report

Eric ‘Shartwell’ Walks Back Call for Impeachment

He, like his bowels, are very confused.


Rep. Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) on Tuesday claimed he had not yet determined whether to support the impeachment of President Donald Trump, despite calling for his ouster multiple times in June.

Swalwell, who has frequently appeared on CNN and MSNBC to discuss impeachment, was approached on Capitol Hill by CNN reporter Manu Raju, who asked him whether he had made a decision about impeaching Trump.

“No,” Swalwell said. “I think that it’s important that we reserve judgment. The report has powerful overwhelming evidence and again this is one of the largest investigations ever in America that relied on the fewest amount of documents.”

Swalwell echoed House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), who told reporters earlier in the afternoon that he was “going to continue to reserve judgment.” He later added that he was “gravely concerned that if we merely accept this that we invite not only further corruption of our elections by this president, but we also invite it of the next president.”

Swalwell, a member of the House Intelligence Committee and an unsuccessful 2020 presidential candidate, broke rank with Democratic leadership in June after Trump said, “there’s nothing wrong with listening” to opposition research from foreign nations. The comment received backlash from Democratic presidential hopefuls, including Swalwell. read more

22 Comments on Eric ‘Shartwell’ Walks Back Call for Impeachment

  1. The talk about Swallowell is that after a Mexican lunch with his friends on the Hill that the intestinal gas builds up until it’s no longer possible to contain and the loud release often sends him flying around the Capital Dome like Tinkerbell.

  2. No, only establishing his alibi. He wants to go into the history books as levelheaded and impartial. “I was undecided but when the facts were presented…how could I vote otherwise?”

  3. Come clean, what happened to “overwhelming evidence”?? Sounds more like your checking the direction of the wind. “Overwhelming evidence” didn’t just float off into space. Wishy washy politician selling BS.

  4. That he’s a member of the “House Intelligence Committee “ is laughable. He’s proved he and the rest of the fools are anything but intelligent and he and some other of the gasbags are now looking for a way out

  5. Are they even really trying to walk it back or just hope they can get this BS to gain traction and maybe some viewers by acting like this isn’t part of the plan. Oh no we will be totally impartial and fair. Whatever. Did he let one rip this time or make sure he got it out of his system beforehand.

  6. This POS implied use of nuclear weapons on Americans who might refuse to surrender our firearms.

    So, I don’t give a damn what he says from now on. Nothing can undo his treachery. He needs to be hanging from a lamppost. Damn the vile scum that voted for him.

  7. Surprised nobody’s talking about McCarthy, the subject of the leading photo. And, by the way, he looks like a douche with a smile on his face listening to Shartwell.


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