Eric Swalwell: the David Hogg of Presidential candidates – IOTW Report

Eric Swalwell: the David Hogg of Presidential candidates

Oh, great.  Another vapid publicity whore has entered the 2020 Presidential race.

Yup, Eric “Nuke-em” Swalwell has decided that America is clamoring for him to make a play for the White House.

And what’s he running on?

Gun control.

You got it, folks.  He’s going to “take on” the NRA!  He’s not afraid of them!

And where does he plan to kick off his presidential campaign?

Parkland, Florida.

Because apparently Eric Swalwell fancies himself the David Hogg of Presidential candidates.

After all, David Hogg “took on” the NRA too!

And how’d that work out for him?

Well, Hogg’s endless media blitz resulted in NRA memberships and donations skyrocketing.  Meanwhile, his ubiquitous presence on cable news helped drive down support for gun control.

My guess is, Eric Swalwell wanting to go out there and incessantly bang the drum for gun control will have a similar effect.

Now, Swalwell hasn’t officially confirmed he’s entering the 2020 race…  more here

7 Comments on Eric Swalwell: the David Hogg of Presidential candidates

  1. I’m counting on Eric Swalwell for a minimum of 5,000 new NRA members!

    Too trimmed.
    Over polished.
    A man dressed so dapper in today’s age is either hiding something or over-compensating.

  2. Swalwell is the Eddie Haskell of Congress, a smarmy, unctuous con artist.
    His chances of winning the nomination are less than Eddie seducing Mrs Cleaver.


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