Erica Garner Makes the Left Incensed, Says Her Father Wasn’t Victim of Racism – IOTW Report

Erica Garner Makes the Left Incensed, Says Her Father Wasn’t Victim of Racism

Here is a reasonable human being. I respect Erica Garner. She understands that there is absolutely nowhere to go, in terms of correcting what she calls a crisis of police brutality for all Americans, if every time a black person dies at the hands of the police it’s going to be characterized as racism.

Now, whether you believe there is a crisis of police brutality or not, at least Erica Garner is showing up to debate at the correct arena. Simply calling cops racist would mean we’d be seeking remedies that don’t really address the actual problem. But, that’s the rub. The left is not interested in correcting actual problems. They have a manilla folder of remedies. They’ll create the problem when the remedy has reached the front of their docket.

Video after the jump

13 Comments on Erica Garner Makes the Left Incensed, Says Her Father Wasn’t Victim of Racism

  1. She sounded more reasonable than I expected. However, it seems I read somewhere that the reason mr garner was approached in the first place was because NYC was not getting the tax revenue from his sale of cigarettes. They had to put a stop to it, and they did. If that is the case the protesters need to change their target, the mayor of NYC needs to be answering some questions.

  2. Oh for the love of Christ, at least get the headline right: “Erica Garner Makes the Left Act All Incensed…”

    The left isn’t “All Incensed” about any of this hoopla and horseshit any more than I am Cleopatra Queen of the Nile. They know as well as the rest of us do when they are being Grubered. The whites among them use the rhetoric as a wedge to advance the march towards totalitarian government and the blacks among them know that the green flag is about to drop on another looterama.

    None of them actually believe the crap.

  3. You don’t think the left is incensed by the victim’s daughter disrupting the narrative and saying this wasn’t racism?

    You must be playing 5 level chess because I’m not following how Erica Garner’s statement is fine with the left.

  4. Fur,

    I am not sure what to think any more. Everything about progressivism is a lie and I am actually thinking that they are “all in” on it. I think it is all an act. But then again they may be sincere, but it is hard for me to believe that that many people are that sincerely screwed up.

    Let me cogitate a while on it.

    I read that Rolling Stone article a couple weeks ago, or at least enough of it to dismiss it as a complete fantasy. They had to know it was bullshit…didn’t they?

  5. I understand what you’re saying, that they probably don’t believe that there is a real crisis, that they have solutions in search of a crisis. But I can hardly say that they don’t get mad when one of the demographics that they normally have in their hip pocket goes off script.
    This bothers them.
    In fact it triggers a Chinese fire drill.
    Look at Lemon. She states in plain frank language that she doesn’t think the incident was racist and he makes her repeat it and clarify it, giving her an opportunity to walk it back.

  6. There is a crisis. A Police/Minority crisis. The libtards answer is to retrain the Police. My answer is to educate the minority in the Ten Commandments. Woah! That’s too hard. Well how about showing them the Chris Rock Public Service Docu. on “How to not Get Your Ass Kicked by The Police.” See Mr. Pinko above.

    It should be mandatory in Middle School.

  7. In that clip, the interviewer is assuming she is mad at the racism and tries to lead her into going down that path.

    Likewise, CBS tonight featured four segments of alleged racist white cop incidents specifying in each one that white cops killed four unarmed black men or boys even though two had weapons and the other two were 6′ 4″ and 300+ lbs.

    The problem is The Book. The Book provides the rules of engagement with the citizenry. The Book currently says to shoot first because the cop going home tonight is more important than you going home tonight even if you have done nothing wrong. Or your pet. Or your kids. Or your granny if they no knock her door at 3 am and they catch her midway reaching for her glasses.

    Obama and Holder give Andy and Barney M-16s and MRAPs and then act shocked when they act like G.I. Joe. Again, a crisis they have created that will not go to waste.

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