Escaping the racism of low expectations – IOTW Report

Escaping the racism of low expectations

Life as a Black Woman and Her Journey from Liberalism to Conservatism.
Barbara from Harlem speaks to Rudy Giuliani. She’s a pistol!

9 Comments on Escaping the racism of low expectations

  1. I enrolled in a $150 ‘antiracism’ course, very skeptically to be sure but hopeful that maybe someone got it right. I am halfway through this course and so far am pretty enthusiastic about it. Not going all-in until I complete it, but like it enough to share so others can see and make up their own minds. Here is the link:

  2. Mine eyes are still a fire.

    Why did I click on Dans wretched, unsavory link.


    Not only do I need my Mexican bullwhip, I’m going to need a couple of dudes on horseback wearing planet of the apes costumes to net you.

    Gah. Paugh. Ptooie.

    Unless we’re exploiting the concept of love for a cash benefit of…oh say, 150 bucks.

  3. We dodged a bullet Sunday.
    Bubba ‘Smollett’ Walace ALMOST won the Daytona 500.
    He got lucky getting second, it was a war of attrition and he was in the perfect spot.
    If he had won we would have had to hear “first black blah blah blah” for the next 10 years.
    Not an individual victory for his team of course, but for all black America.

    I’m sure biden* will still invite him to the Spite House, not the white guy who actually won the race though.

  4. To all the easy money people, get a job and stop harassing people. I respect people who work or have worked for a living. Society cannot exist on freeloaders.
    I know they won’t bother reading this but it beats sticking my face in ice water.

  5. Barbara from Harlem was a regular and beloved caller to the Bob Grant show. Hard to believe that he has been gone 8 years. Cheers to all the great callers – Carl from Oyster Bay, Jimmy the Commie Hunter, Cheryl from Spotswood, Frank from Queens, John from Staten Island, David from Newark and so many more. You can still hear Frank and John on their podcast – The Right Perspective.


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