Esper says U.S. will cut troop levels in Afghanistan to less than 5,000 by November – IOTW Report

Esper says U.S. will cut troop levels in Afghanistan to less than 5,000 by November

Just The News-

The United States will reduce troop levels in Afghanistan to less than 5,000 by the end of November, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Saturday.

Esper made his remarks in an interview broadcast Aug. 8 on Fox News, bolstering comments last week from President Donald Trump that the number will be cut to roughly 4,000.

There currently are some 8,600 U.S. forces in Afghanistan, where Americans have fought since 2001. more here

8 Comments on Esper says U.S. will cut troop levels in Afghanistan to less than 5,000 by November

  1. 8,600 → 5,000 → 4,000 → 0

    The trend is in the right direction, but they’re not getting to zero fast enough.

    Nobody has as yet explained to me just exactly what national security interest exists such that Americans are sent to Afghanistan to fight and die.

  2. I agree with @Uncle Al. I do think we do have a strategic interest in the region, but I am not sure why we still have our heroes (anyone who volunteers to be in the military is a hero in my book) in harm’s way for no specific positive goal.

  3. I’m all for the cutting levels and ultimately leaving, never to return.
    There’s no “peace” possible with these mutts especially when they’re releasing taliban prisoners as fast as Democrats clear the jails in the USA

  4. It’s one thing to drop in, dramatically reduce their ability to attack our nation, and to get out. Completely another to try to bring democracy to a country that doesn’t yet have the capacity for it. Do the minimum necessary to make our country safer (which ended long before 0bama took office re Afghanistan), get out, and then entice them toward democracy with economic lures.

  5. islam is completely incompatible with Western Civilization, or any form of civilization for that matter. Never has been, never will be.
    Pull the troops and as many non-muslims out of the region and let them kill themselves into extinction.

    …and since mohammad was a big time slave owner, when do our woke friends start to demand that mosques be torn down?

  6. @Jethro

    I think he wants to re-orient ourselves and our military to the orient. That’s where things are going to happen.

    Afghanistan is not worth a pile of dog poop.

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