ESPN Gushes Over Michelle’s Fashion Legacy: ‘Carved Into Mt. Rushmore’ – IOTW Report

ESPN Gushes Over Michelle’s Fashion Legacy: ‘Carved Into Mt. Rushmore’

Newsbuster: Close your eyes for a moment and picture Mt. Rushmore. First, you see America’s two most iconic founding fathers, then a war hero, and finally, the man who preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves. But if ESPN Style Writer Jill Hudson had her way, Michelle Obama would be up there with them—for her fashion sense.

In her January 12 article for ESPN’s The Undefeated, Hudson could not contain her gushing praise for the “glamorpuss” FLOTUS.



36 Comments on ESPN Gushes Over Michelle’s Fashion Legacy: ‘Carved Into Mt. Rushmore’

  1. Just for the record, the Emancipation Proclamation was written to free slaves in Confederate-held land, where Lincoln’s proclamation had no legal effect and no results.
    Interestingly enough, it did NOT free any slaves in Union-held territory, where Lincoln DID have the power to free them.

    No slaves were freed by the E. P.

    Just sayin’.

    On topic, any woman Michele’s age should not be baring her knees. Short dresses, long years don’t fit.

  2. Ya gotta ask y’seff – why is ESPN continuing to suck her ass?
    Ray Charles could see that she’s got no class, no style, no figure, and no … well … any-fukkin-thing resembling human female-ness.
    So, what’s behind their sycophancy?
    Where’s the profit in “Merkel Jerking” in front of Moose?
    Do the drooling imbeciles watching ESPN believe every smidgen of shit smeared by these fools?

    I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.

    It’s done. It’s over. Can’t we just move on?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Said by reporters who are Sports Industry orientated. Their base of knowlegldge is uniforms: football, basketball, cheerleader, and do on.

    Michelle’s outfits do resemble the rock chips and trash discarded at Rushmore.

  4. @oolook: “On topic, any woman Michele’s age should not be baring her knees. Short dresses, long years don’t fit.”
    Maybe she thinks she’s fooling us by dressing as a woman.

  5. Sasquatches appear to have a fondness for bright colors and garish patterns. It is sometimes difficult to determine their sex.
    They are husky and muscular creatures, large-boned, if you will. They have a voracious appetite and are unpredictable, very dangerous especially at feeding time. One should always approach with caution.
    You can shave a sasquatch (if you’re careful.)
    You can give it a manicure and a pedicure. (Again, be careful.)
    You can house train it, and accustom it to wearing clothing.
    You can teach it the rudiments of human speech, and socialise it with limited success.
    It will be a difficult and time consuming process, of doubtful merit, and ultimately may prove an exercise in futility.

    Let us never forget the brave scientists who gave their lives in the attempt to tame this specimen.
    Never turn your back on one.
    You can take a sasquatch out of the jungle, but…

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