ESPN layoffs come on heels of public editor defending trend towards political commentary – IOTW Report

ESPN layoffs come on heels of public editor defending trend towards political commentary

“One thing is clear: Those of you who have not held your tongue about ESPN’s move away from an all-sports-all-the-time mantra also should not hold your breath waiting for a change,” he added. “ESPN has made it clear: It’s not sticking to sports.”

Wa Ex: 

On Wednesday, ESPN announced it had let go more than 100 reporters and on-air personalities, including longtime National Football League reporter Ed Werder, Major League Baseball reporter Jayson Stark, SportsCenter anchors Jaymee Sire, Chris Hassel and Jay Crawford and many others.

The most recent round of layoffs comes after months of sharp declines in subscriptions. It also comes amid criticism that the network has become too political in recent years.

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19 Comments on ESPN layoffs come on heels of public editor defending trend towards political commentary

  1. I won’t watch this BS train wreck of a station anymore….every two seconds it’s anti-Trump propaganda and pushing Tranny Sports and BLM crapola from alleged athletes who can’t even put a two word sentence together….no thanks!

  2. Whenever I search the web for anything sports related, I avoid clicking on their links. The same info can be found at dozens of othe sites.

    The only time I watch ESPN is when they carry a Red Sox game exclusively. I will record it and watch on a time delay, to skip commercials.

  3. 10,000,000 lost subscribers!!! Wow!
    And they’re not even smart enough to take that into consideration, and double down on stupid.
    Whats the over/under on going under? 2 years?

  4. Disney owns ESPN. This SJW politicization of ESPN is just one highly visible part of the Lefty takeover of Disney’s senior management.

    ESPN will continue to drive away its straight white male subscriber base by continuing to propagandize anti-white, anti-male, anti-straight SJW propaganda. They will become ever more strident and shrill as their audience shrinks and ad revenue falls.

    This is about Lefty propaganda. Profitability and sports are irrelevant now. It’s all about having seized control of a media outlet, and propagandizing until that outlet’s audience is converted or worn down into resigned acceptance.
    When the outlet’s usefulness is exhausted it will be discarded. Eventually Disney may sell it for a 90% loss. Or for $1 dollar.

    The new Murdoch boys are clearly planning the same for FOX and are 60-80% there.
    They probably hope they’ll keep their existing audience of ad-viewers, but if not, well they’re rich enough they don’t have to care.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.


  5. ESPN never got the memo. Hillary lost so there will be no state run media. They will actually need to produce a viable product to survive. And since most people tune into sports to ESCAPE POLITICS, they may want to rethink their biz plan.

  6. ESPN lost me with their change in direction, and it was a bone head move on their part. There are other, and frequently better platforms for sporting events; MLB Network, every MLB game is locally broadcast, a hockey network, the NFL package, an NBA package, and most major college conferences have their own networks. Most sports fans follow a team or a conference, and the beauty of sports packages is that you can follow your team whenever it plays. These packages are usually not free, but the cost is very reasonable. It’s bad enough ESPN chose to go on a more politically correct path, but sports fans have other choices – a contingency ESPN doesn’t seem to have considered.

    It’s too bad, because ESPN has done some very good things in the past – their 30 For 30 series was usually terrific. They would have been better off staying away from political themes and concentrating on sports and other sports platforms.

  7. It’s happening at the local level too. You turn on a sports show to get away from politics, and end up hearing a liberal rant about conservatives or Trump.
    Sports “journalists” go to the same schools of liberal indoctrination as all the rest of them.

  8. Politics mixed with sports reminds me of the cold war Olympics we used to get every 2 years with the Russians always cheating but never getting caught.

    But as I am a male chauvinist pig I HATE FEMALE BROADCASTERS IN BASEBALL AND FOOTBALL and always want my Women’s B-ball coaches female. ESPN always tries to shove these wimmin on us who think they can comment on men’s sports. It sucks.

  9. Thank God I don’t give a single intercourse about sports. One less leftard outfit I have to remember to avoid. And nbc will rot in hell before I ever watch the Kentucky Derby again. Pairing some homo figure skater and some air head fashion whore for useless commentary that has nothing to do with racehorses? Brilliant move.

  10. I always felt like sports were a cut above Washington’s Politics .
    We are all blind to politics when we watch sports, that’s why sports are awesome ! When playing there is no other world ,but the one in front of you.
    Sports BIND us as Americans !!!
    ESPN don’t screw that up.

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