ESPN president just figured out their political slant is alienating its audience – IOTW Report

ESPN president just figured out their political slant is alienating its audience

Smokeroom: ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro seems shockingly self-aware about the network’s problems with getting into politics.

“What I’ve heard consistently from day one of getting this job is the more we lean into politically charged commentary, the more we are alienating not just our core fan, but our casual fan,” Pitaro told John Ourand of Sports Business Journal Wednesday.

I never thought I’d see the day when ESPN finally just came right out and admitted it was being absurdly stupid with its rush towards liberal politics. Well, I was clearly wrong because Pitaro absolutely hit the nail on the head here.  watch


20 Comments on ESPN president just figured out their political slant is alienating its audience

  1. He is kinda’ slow on the uptake, but better late than never.

    My question to him would be: So are you concerned about correcting that, or you only concerned with making it appear like you are concerned about correcting that, or do you not see it as a problem?

  2. I’m in year three of not watching the NFL, and it happened before the kneeling controversy. I didn’t really make a conscience decision to stop watching, I just got tire of being hammered over the head with the political talk. I just didn’t want to watch anymore, and I haven’t missed it at all.
    I have two teams that I watch, my college teams. Other than that, I don’t watch ESPN at all. And since the fired all of their college writers, I don’t even read the website anymore.
    I hope he can get it fixed, but I doubt it will ever be the same.

  3. So, he’s saying it’s not just cordcutters and people mad at the NFL for not standing with the kneelers?

    I’m so confused.

    Both ESPN and the NFL’s employees have made their opinions quite clear. There is no unringing the bell that they’ve been enthusiastically clanging for the last 5 years.

    I’m not going back and there is nothing they will do that can change that.

  4. Pitaro is new to ESPN, his revelation is not new, it’s just a notification to employees that they will have to tone it down. He may be line for Iger’s job if can get this cash cow to give milk again. He is a Disney critter, but more focused on business.

  5. It may be too late. Almost all of the sports leagues at both college and professional level have their own networks or packages, and some of the non-cable companies are offering sports programming. Even ESPN’s flagship program, Sports Center, can be duplicated with numerous internet options. Even if ESPN eliminates their political pontificating, I can only take just so much talking head analysis of any given game.

    I suspect ESPN’s viewership would have declined even without the political yammering due to alternative forums for games, but this didn’t help and probably accelerated the process. I love sports, but aside from the rare occasion where my favorite college team’s game is broadcast on ESPN I don’t watch that channel anymore.

  6. I know it’s not ESPN but Joe Buck over at FOX Sports is the most annoying sports announcer out there. My daughter, a huge Red Sox Fan can’t stand the guy when he’s calling a game on FOX. I listen to the ESPN feed on my XM satellite radio whenever there’s a baseball game on, it’s much easier on my nerves and I love baseball on the radio much more than watching it. And if we get a Red Sox/ Dodgers World Series it will be World War 3 around here between my son and my daughter, my son and I are rooting for the Dodgers (they’ll find a way to choke like they almost always do) and she’s rooting for the Red Sox so it’s going to be interesting. But I believe the Red Sox will prevail since they’re the better team and I like American League baseball better than the NL. The Dodgers were my team when I was a kid back in the mid 60’s mainly because of Sandy Koufax. I want to see the Dodgers to win to see Vin Scully go out with a huge smile on his face.

  7. Just when you thought, ‘naw, that couldn’t be that stupid’, they are! That stupid.

    Tell me for whom you’re going to be delivering pizzas at your next job, cupcake, and I won’t order from them.

  8. ESPN SUCKS But maybe they got a hint. People are not all that stupid. Who the fuck wants to listen to political commentary after a game? During a game, or before a game? Gettofuckouttahere!

  9. I rarely ever watch any sport on tv w/ the tv announcers, the exception being hockey (some) & the Orioles games (I know; it’s painful) when Jim Palmer is announcing … his baseball insight is second to none
    baseball on radio w/ the tv sound down is soooo much better

    I don’t watch that game where men w/ overactive pituitary glands run around in their underware & dribble their balls … & haven’t watched the NFL since they made the conscious decision to become traitors to the country that made them rich

  10. Now, if you could choose announcers (including comedians, normal people, etc.) or even choose to just listen to the sounds of the game without all of the interference. Different story.

    Imagine turning on a tv with 9.2 dolby surround and just hear it like it was live in a stadium. No Chris Collinsworth, no Bob Costas. Just a game observed with your own eyes and ears and without a bunch on knowitall numbnuts trying to fill dead air by polluting it with their self-importance.

    Well, it would have been before I amputated ESPN and the rest from my life.


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