ESPN Ratings Sink To All-Time Low Over ‘Woke’ Left Wing Politics – IOTW Report

ESPN Ratings Sink To All-Time Low Over ‘Woke’ Left Wing Politics

American Lookout: Sports fans don’t tune in to get lectured about politics from left wing hosts.

ESPN still hasn’t figured this out, and their ratings are suffering as a result.

If people want to hear that sort of thing, they can already go to CNN or MSNBC. Why does ESPN think it’s their job to provide this?

OutKick reports:

On Wednesday ESPN’s studio programming, which has become MSESPN’s WokeCenter on steroids 24/7, hit a 41 year ratings low. That is, in the entire history of the network existing, it has never had lower overall studio ratings than it did this week.

The network, which has become more left wing than MSNBC and CNN combined over the past several weeks, has completely abandoned sports coverage. The result? Viewers, many of whom were willing to watch the channel even during a pandemic disaster with limited sports to consume, have abandoned it in droves. How bad was it? We’re talking full on crisis mode level awfulness. MORE

13 Comments on ESPN Ratings Sink To All-Time Low Over ‘Woke’ Left Wing Politics

  1. One of the recent groveling stories about Kaepernick, goes on to remind people he was PEACEFULLY protesting.

    Never mind that it’s obnoxious, and non-millionaires can’t protest peacefully or not at work without getting FIRED, because normal people know not to drag their dirty politics to work with them.

    That’s the issue. Go protest on your own time.


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