ESPN tanking, dragging Disney down with it – IOTW Report

ESPN tanking, dragging Disney down with it

Breitbart: A year that saw arguably the five greatest championship game performances of all time should have helped right the ship for ESPN, and at the very least stopped the trend of massive subscriber losses which have plagued the Bristol-based sports giant for the last few years.

Well, that did not happen, and ESPN appears to be a sinking ship, dragging parent company Disney down with it.

Bloomberg reports that ESPN badly hurt Disney’s first quarter sales, falling well short of projections.

According to The Wrap, “Cable networks, particularly ESPN, have been an albatross on Disney’s stock price even as the company’s two other major prongs, movies and theme parks, continue to perform well. As cheaper TV alternatives began to proliferate, ESPN hemorrhaged subscribers during the course of 2016 and is now at less than 88 million, compared with a peak of 100.1 million in 2011. At an estimated $7 per subscriber, that dip has been a substantial hit to Disney, especially considering media networks made up 49 percent of Disney’s profits during fiscal 2016.”  MORE

23 Comments on ESPN tanking, dragging Disney down with it

  1. Gaurantee you Liberalism has screwed up both NFL & ESPN . The reason they are just now figuring it out is Conservatives don’t Scream aloud, we just go slowly away and it sneaks up on them.

  2. Remember how great the Disney show was on Sunday night? Dressed in your jammies after supper, watching Donald, Goofy, and company? Yeah, that is gone and has been replaced by Marxists; patronize them at the risk of your children’s view of the world. Two words about forcing modern Disney onto your children: Child Abuse. Let the hatred begin.

  3. Hey , how about replacing all of the employees with H1B Visa mutts from India Like they did with all of Disney’s IT employees ? They could have the current employees train those rats and then Disney would save about 75 percent on labor and increase it’s IT force by 75 percent. Fuck Mickey!

  4. Lack of focus. I will never understand why CEOs decide to play Social Justice Warrior games instead of focusing to what they are being paid for, which is to understand the product, the market and make money for the employees and the investors. Anybody who thinks that intentionally pissing off a sizable segment of their market is a good idea should be fired yesterday and be replaced with someone with a couple ounces of common sense!

  5. I expect Trump ‘s FCC will unbundle Cable packages and will mandate a la carte pricing. You’ll only pay for the channels you want.

    These Leftist SJW channels will collapse.

    Some of the struggling channels will try to regain their lost audiences by trying to program more Center-Right.
    Most have no conception of what non SJW programming might even look like.

    It’s going to be interesting.

  6. The left is hell bent on killing all that is good and fun.
    ESPN ( They are part of Main Stream Media ) has now taken on the role of indoctrinating the lofo voter for the last few years.
    Who owns them ? There is your answer.

  7. Think about this REAL DEEP for a minute.

    Other than the great playing, the only thing
    that saved the stupor bowl was Lady gaGA acting
    like an entertainer. The advertisements were all
    socialist left, all anti government.
    The only thing they didn’t do was go after
    Trump by name.

    Fuck them.Tank it bitch.

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