Establishment Media Air Grievances Against Joe Biden on July Fourth Weekend – IOTW Report

Establishment Media Air Grievances Against Joe Biden on July Fourth Weekend


The establishment media this week aired grievances against President Joe Biden, marking his failed leadership on a variety of issues throughout his tenure.

As Biden’s polling numbers tanked to the lowest level of his presidency on Saturday (31 percent approval), Politico Playbook headlined on Saturday that Democrats have “growing doubts” about Biden running in 2024.

“Whether the specific issue is abortion rights, court reform, voting rights, the filibuster, or the DOJ’s investigation into DONALD TRUMP’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election, ‘[m]any Democrats share a sense that … Biden and his team have been following, not leading,’” Playbook wrote, quoting an Atlantic article from Thursday.

The Atlantic article, written by Ronald Brownstein, slammed Biden for not pushing back against the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling with a harsher and quicker backlash. It is unclear what Biden can realistically do to thwart the Court’s ruling without congressional action, but the media seem to indicate something more could be done: more

13 Comments on Establishment Media Air Grievances Against Joe Biden on July Fourth Weekend

  1. Reasons:

    1) To give the illusion that they are Unbiased OR on the Peoples Side.

    2) Paving the way for Killary, Big Mike or something like a Abrams.

    3) Ratings are so low they have to try something.

  2. They are bitching that the filthy traitorous usurper Biden isn’t Nazi enough.
    Fuck them – fuck them all.

    When we’ve had enough – we’ll have had enough – and then clean out the septic tank.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Whatever. Is this supposed to be some sort of Declaration of Independence? Or is it Smartin’ Losers’ Reformation, and they’re nailing their feces to the White House door. Again, whatever. It will be ignored, and they will meekly crawl back. And god forbid they post their grievances on Twitter lol.

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  5. So, according to The Atlantic, the issues democrat voters are critical of Joe about are: “abortion rights, court reform, voting rights, the filibuster, or the DOJ’s investigation into DONALD TRUMP’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election”.

    You have to be fucking kidding me. If true (doubtful, since this is from the Atlantic), democrats are even more lost than I imagined.
    Hey dumbasses, how about inflation, endless supply chain problems, and being dragged into another war???

  6. Air the grievances over this weekend, when only the more politically-minded are paying attention, while the politically illiterate are busy grilling out, getting drunk and shooting fireworks.

    Smart move, MSM.

  7. JOE BIDEN is nothing more than a career swindler, longtime compulsive liar, and money-grubbing predatory race-hating human-trafficking leech who has accomplished less than zero in his miserable life. That the sewage lowlife and his crap sandwiches should be kicked into the next ozone layer is an understatement.

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