Ethics complaint filed against crazy Maxine Waters – IOTW Report

Ethics complaint filed against crazy Maxine Waters

Complaint accuses Democrat of ‘inciting violence.’ Judicial Watch president, Tom Fitton, says the House must hold Waters accountable.

h/t CFP

11 Comments on Ethics complaint filed against crazy Maxine Waters

  1. she can not legally vote in the very district that she represents,
    It is now common knowledge that waters does not live in the district that she has been elected to represent. That means that waters can not vote for herself in an election. She does not even represent herself. Someone else, who lives in the same district that she lives in, does that. She is nothing more than a mercenary.
    waters needs to be asked, on camera, if she voted for herself and where she voted in the last election.

  2. Tsunami nailed it: Wig Fishing!
    Snatch that Wig and let the cameras capture her shiny head as she scampers for an exit. Then after flooding the airwaves and interwebs, I would tell her that that the footage will be beamed into outer space to that aliens can see it too.

  3. Sticks & stones are needed. Words alone do no serious harm to MSM favored politicians. Sticks & stones meaning real consequences such as expulsion, impeachment, fines, etc.


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