Ethics Complaint Filed Against Schiff Alleging Several Violations of Law in California and Maryland – IOTW Report

Ethics Complaint Filed Against Schiff Alleging Several Violations of Law in California and Maryland

That’s the least of what he’s done.

GP: US Congressman Adam Schiff from California is in deep trouble.  An ethics complaint has been filed against Schiff by a concerned citizen alleging that Schiff has committed election and voter fraud claiming he was both a citizen of California and Maryland. 

A concerned citizen from the state of California uncovered what is believed to be crimes committed by Adam Schiff.

In 2000 Schiff was elected to Congress and has served as a US House member from the state of California ever since.  Schiff reportedly purchased a home in Maryland with his wife in 2003 stating they would occupy this home for 12 consecutive months as their “primary residence”.  Despite this claim, Schiff continued to vote in California.

Schiff refinanced his home in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013 claiming the Maryland home was his primary residence.  In 2009, a House Ethics investigation claimed that Schiff did this and Schiff claimed it was an error and he repaid the exempt taxes to the state of Maryland. MORE

10 Comments on Ethics Complaint Filed Against Schiff Alleging Several Violations of Law in California and Maryland

  1. Maybe this will turn out like it did for Al Capone, who ended up convicted of felony tax evasion. Schiff-head may end up convicted of felony mortgage fraud.

    Hey, lemme dream, OK?

  2. Schiff is probably the most detestable, arrogant and smug politician in DC. His ego rivals that of anyone you could name. That being said, you couldn’t find one politician in either party that hasn’t benefited personally by virtue of their office. Violation of the public trust should be a life in prison crime. When caught red handed with mountains of hard evidence nothing ever happens. They protect each other, the DOJ ignores even treasonous behavior and justice does not exist unless you’re a normal citizen or it’s politically expedient to destroy someone’s life. Don’t expect Schiff to suffer any consequences whatsoever.

  3. Ethics, but Republicans thru theirs righty tighty right out the door to support a complete POS. See exactly how that works out in 2024. GOPee ethics what the fuck are those needed for.


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