EU announces sweeping new rules that could force breakups and hefty fines for Big Tech – IOTW Report

EU announces sweeping new rules that could force breakups and hefty fines for Big Tech


LONDON — Tech giants could soon face hefty fines and stricter controls over their behavior as part of sweeping new rules in the European Union.

The European Commission, the executive arm of the EU, on Tuesday presented two new pieces of legislation that will affect how Big Tech operates. The region has long had concerns about how powerful some companies have become, and how this is a problem for smaller firms looking to compete in the European market.

In this context, the new Digital Markets Act aims to tackle behavior that closes these markets off.

One of the potential changes is putting an end to self-preferencing — when, for instance, app search results in an Apple product display options developed by the tech giant. The idea is to give smaller app developers the same chance of being found and chosen by consumers. more

5 Comments on EU announces sweeping new rules that could force breakups and hefty fines for Big Tech

  1. It’s a nice idea that EU can force the tech giants to comply but they pay off those fines with the money they would otherwise put in their “environmentally correct” soda vending machines…

  2. Not that I have a clue how these European scramblefests run their government, but this is a real puzzle: “The European Commission, the executive arm of the EU, on Tuesday presented two new pieces of legislation…”. How does the executive in a government introduce legislation?

  3. Pro-Tip for all you youngsters: When a government begins pressuring an industry or company about regulations, they are extorting the industry or company for more “sustainable” contributions. It has nothing to do with regulations, it’s actually about bribery (i.e. Dat’s a noice business ya got dare, be a shame is somting happn’ to it).



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