EU Folds, Farmers Win – IOTW Report

12 Comments on EU Folds, Farmers Win

  1. More details are here:

    It sure is strange. If there’s less CO2 farmers need to use more fertilizers. CO2, also known as the gas of life, allows all biological life to thrive in higher concentrations. There’s no way to have reduced CO2 AND reduced fertilizers AND still feed everyone. Conclusion: You are the carbon they want to eliminate.

  2. As long as nihilistic totalitarian Satanists are in power, everyone loses.

    Similarly to the filthy Palestinian maggots, each cease-fire is an opportunity to re-group and re-attack.

    Sadly, there’s only one way to deal with people who want you dead.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Similarly to the filthy Palestinian maggots, each cease-fire is an opportunity to re-group and re-attack”

    Dont concede good intentions and never compromise an inch with progressive/Marxist/Satanists. Satan is a murderer, a liar and a thief. His followers emulate their Dark Prince. They are what they have made of themselves and to concede good intentions to them is complicity. They need to be totally defeated and driven from power.

  4. Ultimately it’s about taking the farmers’ land. If they are able to steal, I mean confiscate, land with some globull warming excuse then they won. Even if it isn’t confiscation but forced sale due to lack of income.

  5. This won’t be the end of these genocidal plans. Only elimination of the root cause will solve the problem…and that includes the EU itself, governmental power, and the individual tyrants.

  6. Next airborne chemical on the UN sustainable population-culling chopping lock?………………OXYGEN!!!…because it causes Carbon Dioxide to form!

    But the Farmer/Food-killing scheme (because of NITROGEN) tops it all!

    Let’s go find Klaus and his Davos guys and gals and praise them as genocidal geniuses!!

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