EU Lawmakers Want To Sanction Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview – IOTW Report

EU Lawmakers Want To Sanction Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview

Zero Hedge- In 1941, American journalist Pierre Huss interviewed German dictator Adolph Hitler in German-occupied Russia as part of a reporting staff orchestrated by CBS News‘ Edward R. Murrow. He won the George Polk award in 1951 for war time reporting, and was honored by the NY Times in a 1966 obituary. more

14 Comments on EU Lawmakers Want To Sanction Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview

  1. @Brad

    Thanks for the link. Apparently the White House Press Secretary Affirmative Action hire got flustered enough with hard questions yesterday. She had her stand in man do the press release today.

  2. So? And? The EU governing body is…..EU.
    And Tucker is…..American.
    They can “sanction” all they want, but it’s an empty gesture.
    Just like them.
    Oh dear, I guess Tucker is going to have to forego vacays in Europe for awhile.

  3. Maybe Tucker Carlson got Putin to admit that he likes AC/DC – just like the information CNN elicited from Zelinsky. This could be good common ground – Putin and Zelinsky can get together and jam out to “Thunderstruck” and “Shoot to Thrill” and everything will be better.

    I used to have a rule that I didn’t believe things on the internet. But now I believe things on the internet more than I believe things in the MSM and politicians.

  4. Face it. The world is being run nowadays by total ass-holes. We got a big one in DC, Canada is run by a bastard son of an ass-hole, Ozzie land is run by a lefty woke PM, Most of Latin America is a shit-hole, the Yurp leaders all suck, Brits have no balls anymore,,,,etc. etc. And the WEF is run by fascists intent on forcing everyone to dance to its tune or die by any number of methods.

    Hungary and Italy are two places where some sun is shining.


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