EU official’s daughter, Maria Ladenburger’s killer jailed – IOTW Report

EU official’s daughter, Maria Ladenburger’s killer jailed

Breitbart: FREIBURG (GERMANY) (AFP) – An asylum seeker claiming to be from Afghanistan was Thursday sentenced to life in jail in Germany for the rape and murder of a student that stoked a public backlash against a mass influx of migrants.

Hussein Khavari, of uncertain age and origin, was found guilty of the deadly night-time attack on medical student Maria Ladenburger, 19, in October 2016 in the university town of Freiburg.

Khavari pushed her off her bicycle as she was riding home alone from a party, then bit, choked and repeatedly raped her and left her on the bank of a river where she drowned.

Presiding judge Kathrin Schenk condemned the extreme “lack of empathy” of Khavari, who was handcuffed and wearing a black hooded jumper, before reading out the verdict and sentence, which were greeted with applause in the courtroom.

She handed down the maximum sentence of life in prison, which under German law means 15 years behind bars, with no chance of parole and the possibility of “security detention” afterwards if the convict is still deemed to pose a threat to society.

Schenk said she saw almost no chance of rehabilitation, telling Khavari that “you would have to become an entirely different human being”.

Khavari had been arrested seven weeks after the murder, following a huge manhunt in the town near the French border.

Police had found a black hair partially dyed blond at the scene, then spotted Khavari by his hairstyle on security camera footage and linked him to the crime using his DNA.

As the crime sparked public anger and revulsion, social media users posted sarcastic “thank you” messages to Chancellor Angela Merkel over her liberal policy that brought more than one million refugees and migrants to the country.  read more

SNIP: Maria volunteered at a refugee shelter. After her murder, her family asked that donations be given to refugee charity.

8 Comments on EU official’s daughter, Maria Ladenburger’s killer jailed

  1. “eu officials daughter” killer is sentenced.

    the rest of the population is racist if they want justice for any immigrant crime committed against them right ?

    let them eat cake

  2. My first thought was, had this been my daughter, I would be waiting outside the prison when this shitbag is released in 15 years. Then I read to the end where the delusional parents want donations sent to the refugee center!? WTF? At least her murder may have shaken some sense into a segment of the public, enough to reverse the suicidal policy that lets this vermin into their country. Then maybe she didn’t die in totally vain.

  3. What kind of parents would let their daughter work around filthy Muslim jihadist criminals knowing the way they think about infidels? The parents failed their daughter.


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