EU Takes Hungary to Court Over Immigration Law – IOTW Report

EU Takes Hungary to Court Over Immigration Law

Legal Insurrection:

Hungary to face economic sanctions if the top EU court sides with Brussels.

The European Union is taking Hungary to court over the country’s immigration law, German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported. The legal action by Brussels seeks to repeal a law passed last year by Hungary’s parliament aimed at securing the country’s borders and combating illegal trafficking of migrants. The case will he heard by the top EU court, the European Court of Justice.

The legislation is known as the “Stop Soros” law, named after Hungarian-born U.S. investor George Soros who funds far-left causes across the world. The legislation restricts the ability of non-governmental organisations (NGOs)—like the ones funded by Soros—from interfering in the country’s asylum procedures.

“Hungary could face economic sanction if the court side with the EU,” German state broadcaster ARD noted. Many in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic party want EU’s financial allocations to Hungary conditional on compliance with Brussels’ immigration policies.

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11 Comments on EU Takes Hungary to Court Over Immigration Law

  1. Hungary, Austria know what Muslims do … not so much the Germans, Belgians, Dutch, Nordic & Anglos … the French … eh, they surrender to anyone

    stand fast Hungary! … you have an ally in the US under Trump

  2. Has anyone yet heard a rational explanation of just exactly WHY European leaders want their countries overrun by Muslims?

    They’re committing suicide on a multi-national scale. And ironically, it’s the former Iron Curtain countries that are putting up the most resistance.

  3. Destruction of national and ethnic identities is paramount to establishing the coming one world system that ushers in the final days of our age.

    You can see it in Europe, you can see it in America and Canada, you can see it almost everywhere. Both international and ethnic warfare will result as the new order is forged into shape that will leave any opposition too weak to do anything but join in, there will be only a remnant of nations left to resist (The United States is unlikely to be one of them, but a Hungary and a few other eastern European nations will be).

    The handwriting is on the wall, wake up and read it. (That means read and understand the prophecies).

  4. The Idiots at the EU don’t understand that the “experiment” is over.
    By punishing Hungary, they strengthen the resolve of Italy(QuItaly), Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, & Greece to leave.

  5. I like how Brussels thinks that once they control every country by weakening them, that there are still going to be white overlords while the muslims are all over town. First chance they get, they will kill the overlords and then become them.

    Also, If Germany separates again, don’t try to hook them up.

  6. Let them whine to the court all they want does the EU have a police force to enforce ANY Court Edict The answer is NO, Does the EU have a Military HELL NO. Can the EU stop Hungary or anybody else from leaving the EU HELL NO.

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