Europe Orders Italy To Pay Amanda Knox $20K In Damages – IOTW Report

Europe Orders Italy To Pay Amanda Knox $20K In Damages

Daily Caller: The European Court of Human Rights ordered Italy Thursday to pay Amanda Knox roughly $20,000 in damages regarding her conviction for the 2007 murder of her British roommate while the two were studying abroad in Perugia, Italy.

The court unanimously found Thursday that there had been several procedural violations in the case of Knox v. Italy, namely the police’s failure to provide Knox, an American exchange student not fluent in Italian, legal assistance during a police questioning days after the murder. The court also found that authorities failed to assess the conduct of Knox’s interpreter, and believe the fairness of the trial was compromised thereon.

“Ms. Knox had been particularly vulnerable, being a foreign young woman, 20 at the time, not having been in Italy for very long and not being fluent in Italian,” the court stated.

The court held that Italy must pay Knox 10,400 euros in damages and 8,000 euros for costs and expenses, but did not find sufficient evidence to support Knox’s claims of psychological and physical mistreatment by the police, of which Knox complained throughout this years-long process.

Knox, now 31, spent almost four years in an Italian prison following her conviction for the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, but was definitively acquitted in 2015. Her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, was also convicted but later acquitted.  more here

16 Comments on Europe Orders Italy To Pay Amanda Knox $20K In Damages

  1. All of the real DNA evidence points to the man who actually killed Kercher, and that was Rude Guede. He raped and murdered Amanda Knox’s roommate and then fled to Germany. This was a huge miscarriage of Justice, and she should have been awarded a much larger amount.

    No matter how anyone feels about this case, the real lesson from it is that the Italian Justice System is far different from what we are used to in America. It’s very corrupt and convoluted. The same goes for most the rest of the world. Travelers beware.

  2. I live in Seattle and it turns out she lived within a hal mile of me. I am NOT bragging. I doubt she is totally innocent. In HS, she was called Foxy Knoxy. A Catholic HS at that.

  3. Anyone on this site who thinks Amanda is guilty or had any thing to do with Meredith’s murder really needs to educate themselves.
    Rudy Guede is entirely guilty.
    All the proof is out there.
    You might as well believe OJ to be innocent.

    I know the folks on this site are typically above average in intelligence but if you are an Amanda “truther” you are just plain ignorant.

  4. They have guy’s DNA. It’s over.
    Amanda was screwed. As much as I like Salvini, he needs to pay her a shitload of cash and apologies.
    And free trips for family and friends to a different country. lol

  5. Agreed MJA.
    The Italian and English press deserve a Pulitzer for the fake news they reported about Amanda.

    The Italian cops went 0 for 3 on the first three they arrested in the case.
    “Case Closed!”
    That’s what they wanted so bad they were willing to falsify and prevaricate when it came to evidence.

    My favorite part was the dumb cops thinking “see you later” meant a confirmation for later that evening.


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