Evan McMullin Calls President Trump a “Domestic Enemy” – IOTW Report

Evan McMullin Calls President Trump a “Domestic Enemy”


Epic loser and one-time “presidential candidate” Evan McMullin is back on the scene trying to garner another 15 minutes of fame by trashing the President of the United States.

McMullin, a Mitt Romney “ringer” set up to “steal” Utah from Donald Trump, is now claiming that President Trump is a “domestic enemy.”

From Breitbart

Former CIA operative and 2016 third-party presidential candidate Evan McMullin took to Twitter and CNN on Wednesday to defend rogue intelligence agents who break the law to leak classified information, saying President Donald Trump “presents a threat to the country.”

In response to President Trump’s tweets earlier Wednesday, in which he alleged that elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Security Agency were engaged in “Russia”-style political operations, McMullin tweeted:

more here

21 Comments on Evan McMullin Calls President Trump a “Domestic Enemy”

  1. What does this f–king shit-heel do for a living now? Do the checks come directly from Soros, or are they laundered through the Clinton Foundation?

    He needs the Kevin Deleon heckler treatment, too. Make him learn to fear the goddam cameras.

  2. Bill Krystol is a big McMuffin supporter.

    Bill Kristol is literally a communist subversive.

    The only “domestic enemies” I see here are Bill Kristol, all of the other “neocon” Trotskyite communists, and Egg McMuffin.

    The only question is did McMuffin get the full thirty pieces of silver, or did Krystol screw him out of some of it?

  3. My God… What an unbelievably batshit crazy self-important asshat McMullen turned out to be. WTF? This guy goes on about “Constitution this” and “Constitution that…” and now he’s supported and bureaucratic coup on a brand new President from unelected, self-annoited Beltway “patriots” who’ve decided that the law doesn’t apply to them because “This situation is so important!”. Sounds to me like the only thing important to them is keeping their narrow fiefdoms well funded, and they’re willing to work hand in hand with the the traitorous Obama administration “in exile” to do it. McMullen, like many of his asshat dark state scumbags, deserves to kneel in a dark basement somewhere and get a goddamn bullet to the back of his head. What a fucking traitorous asshole.

  4. It will be interesting to see what Sweaty Thumb says this afternoon. I think he’s smart enough to hide his McMullin love away. But his only selling point since his election crash and burn, is his network of moles in DC. He may not overtly back the spooky coup, but it’s his bread and butter now, whether he likes it or not.

    I’ll report back later with a thumbnail sketch.

  5. Eugenia, his real name is Seamus McMullin. Mitt has kept him in a crate on top of the station wagon in the garage for years. His head was polished like a river pebble in the cramped quarters. Absolutely barbaric.

  6. I was incorrect! My thought was that Whorealdo Rivers was the only azz whole with teeth.
    Now I discover he had a distant cousin in Utah. Some serious cogitation is in order, I must go and stand in the corner with my head bowed.

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