Evangelical charity World Vision “knowingly funded group sanctioned for funding terrorism” – IOTW Report

Evangelical charity World Vision “knowingly funded group sanctioned for funding terrorism”

Jihad Watch: “World Vision International, an international evangelical Christian humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy charity that is active in nearly 100 countries paid funds to a Sudan-based organization, the Islamic Relief Agency (IRA), that allegedly provided financial support to the late Osama bin Laden.”

This news is compounded by an NGO Monitor report about World Vision:

  • According to World Vision, “Our work in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories remains one of the most challenging places where we operate, and one of the most difficult for children. That’s why we have been there for more than 40 years.”
  • Promotes a highly politicized and biased agenda, placing sole blame for the continuation of the conflict on Israel and paying little attention to legitimate Israeli security concerns or Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians. This includes calling the security barrier “illegal,” ignoring the fact that the barrier was built in the wake of the second intifada in which Israeli civilians were the targets of near daily suicide bombings.

And how does World Vision justify its anti-Israel bias?

We are Christian:  “We seek to follow Jesus — in his identification with the poor, the powerless, the afflicted, the oppressed, and the marginalized … in his challenge to unjust attitudes and systems; in his call to share resources with each other …”

Unfortunately, truths including Israel’s history, justice, the history of jihad and the Palestinian leadership’s aim to obliterate Israel since 1948 are of little concern to a group which claims to “follow Jesus.”

This isn’t the first time World Vision has been implicated in promoting jihad terror.  read more

16 Comments on Evangelical charity World Vision “knowingly funded group sanctioned for funding terrorism”

  1. “We seek to follow Jesus — ”

    Does that mean their primary mission is carrying the Gospel to these people and baptizing them for their salvation?

    That is what following Jesus means, and I won’t criticize that.

  2. Any and all corporations are infiltrated and taken control of by radically thinking leftists, we’re seeing it everywhere. Once that control is gained the focus is shifted to anti-american causes.
    This is just another in a long line of infected entities.

  3. …yeah, we “adopted” a World Vision kid in Guatemala once because it was Christmas and the Miracle Theatre in Pigeon Forge was doing a thing. They had lobby cards where you’d pick your kid, they said you’d correspond back and forth…if you remember the Sally Struthers commercials, you know the drill.

    …well, we sent the money and letters and such, and it started looking odd. The letters were never in the same hand, they first said the kid knew English, then he didn’t, he’d never remember anything from one letter to the next, everything he said was generic, the writing varied wildly from good to unintelligible like ot was different people…

    We said something to WV, then they sent back that it was all translators.

    So we switched to Spanish. Got one generic letter back, then one in English saying the kid had apparently forgotten how to read and write even though he’d been allegedly doing so before, and that he had mental issues that kept him from communicating even though that never came up in the course of a couple of years before.

    We ended it because WV was all over the map about it, and never made any sense.

    We’ve found other ways to support missionary work since then. Didn’t even know WV still existed. Based on our experience, thoght, I’ve gotta say that I’m not a fan…

  4. I still give when I can but restrict mine to local charities. The only way I can be certain my money goes to it’s intended purpose and not some top heavy organization stuffing it’s own pockets from the good intentions of those that give.

  5. When charities have large advertising budgets and squander resources on media spots I immediately reject them. That money is not being used for its stated goals and usually means they have huge administrative costs. I do majority of donations to red kettles as I have more trust in them and they are struggling as of late with all the anti religion that is beginning to run gangbusters lately.

  6. I had less than positive experiences with World Vision.
    So they claim they “Seek to follow Jesus”, so what?
    Even Jesus warned about many who would come, claiming to do things in His name, but in reality were false prophets and workers of iniquity.

  7. the only way to make sure your charity money isn’t squandered is to be the one performing the charity

    all bets are off if you are phoning it in

    mankind is flawed after all

  8. Great… the scandal goes ecumenical. Maybe the lawyers can add World Vision to the class action suit being organized against Peter’s Pence.

    Jesus didn’t have much patience for the money changers in the temple and I’m getting kinda tired of them too.

  9. Supernightshade- I saw complaints similar to yours. A lot of them.
    There was one scheme that kept coming up over and over:

    Why don’t I get letters from my kid anymore? What happened? Is she/he OK?
    – oh, he/she left/we canned her/him from the program.
    WHY?! Where is he/she? He/she never said they were quitting!
    -[ several ‘no responses’ ]
    Hello? What’s going on? Where did my money go? Who has it?
    -We’ll get you a new kid, don’t worry.
    And then nothing.

    Sponsors don’t know what happened to the kid, or the money.
    That’s fucking cruel.

  10. Many organizationally large charities
    are money accumulation fronts for
    funneling money toward causes you’re
    not supposed to know about.

    To be charitable actually do something
    and donate your time toward that.

    If your only donation can be money
    then give it to your neighborhood
    homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

    Make sure it is doing something for
    the less fortunate.

  11. If they truly believe their statement, “…challenge to unjust attitudes and systems,” how in the world can they support any organization with the words ‘islam’ or ‘muslim’ in them?

    I call B.S.!!!


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