Even CNN Is Now Busting Biden After He Flips out on Reporter – IOTW Report

Even CNN Is Now Busting Biden After He Flips out on Reporter

RedState: We reported on Tuesday about Joe Biden’s remarks at the White House Congressional Picnic including him wondering (when “Hail to the Chief” was played) where the president was. But perhaps the worst part of the event — which was supposed to be a nice, light, unifying event — was where Joe Biden lost it on ABC reporter Ben Gittleson.

Gittleson dared to ask Biden what he thought about most Democrats not wanting him to run again. Biden flipped out on him, ranting, “Read the polls, Jack!” and insisting what the reporter said wasn’t true, in complete denial of reality.

Scary eyes, especially when he’s coming at you like that. Biden doesn’t like to be challenged. He never has. But it’s getting worse. As we observed, Gittleson was correct.

Now, even CNN is busting Biden on the exchange, pointing out how wrong Biden was in his response. more

7 Comments on Even CNN Is Now Busting Biden After He Flips out on Reporter

  1. Did you catch the look on Dr. First Lady Dr. Jill’s face? She was looking down in shame and embarrassment. I have no sympathy for her–she wanted this, possibly even more than Joe did. Now she gets to “Swallow a little bit,” and deal with Joe.

  2. ^^^^ yep, they’d rather ruin the United States than have 4 more successful years of ‘Orange Man Bad!’

    … & yes, that’s the kind of pond scum they are


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