Even Democrats Are Telling Hillary To Shut Up Already! – IOTW Report

Even Democrats Are Telling Hillary To Shut Up Already!

DMF: I never thought I’d every hear Maud Behar call Bill Clinton a “virus in the Democrat party”, or Hillary’s own people admit she has a stunning lack of self awareness and it’s time to shut up and stop embarrassing them. But there it was, Patti Solis Doyle, Hillary Clinton’s former presidential campaign manager admitting what you know a lot of dems are saying privately, that it was a bad idea for the former candidate to be insulting millions of Americans who didn’t vote for her in a recent speech. They think it’s time she puts a sock in it for the sake of the party.

The campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s doomed attempt to win the Democratic nomination in 2008 spoke to S.E. Cupp on HLN about Clinton bad-mouthing Americans.

“Look, this, this was bad, I can’t sugarcoat it. She’s put herself in a position where Democrats are going to have to distance themselves from these remarks and distance themselves from her, particularly those Democrats that are running in states that Donald Trump won like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan.”

Clinton’s comments were made before the Asia Today Conclave in Mumbai India on her international ‘It’s Everyone’s Fault But Mine That I’m Not President’ book tour.  more here

18 Comments on Even Democrats Are Telling Hillary To Shut Up Already!

  1. Hillary should keep talking and impugning and nagging and threatening and dissembling and hating and defying and…

    She didn’t get the memo from her own party😭

    It’s over between us bitch

  2. She will pay for every single shit she that she did . She have a brain problem that happen when she was Secretary of State . The doctor that was taken care of her was kill in November last year when she was running for president.

  3. Never interrupt your enemy when they is making a mistake
    napoleon bonaparte.
    don’t really care for this dead guy, but he had it right

    so i’ll just sit back and enjoy the show!
    more popcorn please.

  4. Ordinarily I would never insult a lady. It’s not in my make up. But cunts like Killary, Boxer, Feinstein, Watters, lee, get my phocken goat. There are others like Gillibrand, Pochohaunus, Schumer, McCain, Graham, who piss me off too. But that’s just me.

  5. Hillary obviously let Millions of Lib’s down when she Lost, yet there’s one group she’s let down…and ther’es HELL to pay. Satan and the Church of Lucifer, she must have an un payable debt by now !

  6. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton was the most qualified person to ever run for anything in America. It’s deplorable that the Electoral College was not discarded after John Quincy Adams got elected with fewer popular votes than Andrew Jackson in the corrupt bargain of 1824. Don’t even get me started on Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Hillary Clinton would be our President right now if the Constitution hadn’t been written by the greatest gathering of brilliant white men in our country’s history. One truly great thing Clinton has accomplished, however, is guaranteeing that the Electoral College will never be discarded, because it saved us from this miserable, accident prone, hopeless termagant.


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