Even Disney employees don’t support the woke ideology – IOTW Report

Even Disney employees don’t support the woke ideology

LEAKED Disney Employee Messages Shows EVEN Disney Insiders DON’T SUPPORT The Woke Nonsense!

10 Comments on Even Disney employees don’t support the woke ideology

  1. Of course not, the ‘woke’ are a small but violent and loud minority who have captured certain levers of power and wield them as weapons to impose their will.

  2. Propaganda combined with Terror is a powerful weapon and takes quite a bit of balls to resist.
    The Media (Propaganda arm of the Nihilistic/Totalitarian/Establishment/NWO) is doing a marvelous job at smothering facts and propagating their pernicious narrative.
    They, really, should be the first to go.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Beachmom – I have dreams, too, but they rarely come true. There are enough liberals to support that park. The last time I went there, the majority of attendees were speaking foreign languages, and that was almost 10 years ago. I imagine its even more “diverse” now.


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