Even European Leaders Are Raising Concerns About Twitter Banning Trump – IOTW Report

Even European Leaders Are Raising Concerns About Twitter Banning Trump


German Chancellor Angela Merkel is no fan of President Trump, but even she is speaking out against Twitter’s decision to ban him, calling it “problematic.”

“The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance,” said Steffen Seibert, Merkel’s chief spokesman on Monday. “Given that, the chancellor considers it problematic that the president’s accounts have been permanently suspended.”

Seibert says that Twitter was right in flagging Trump’s tweets that he says were “inaccurate,” but banning his account was going too far. He said that governments, not private companies, should decide what, if any, limits there should be on free speech.

Merkel is not the only European leader speaking out against Twitter. more

18 Comments on Even European Leaders Are Raising Concerns About Twitter Banning Trump

  1. When people who never had a First Amendment start worrying, maybe, just maybe, there’s a real problem.

    Nah, who am I kidding? No problem at all. Biden’s going to let them welsh on the NATO dues again, so life is good, I love the twenties.

  2. With any luck, Big Tech will find out they bit off more than they can chew. It might be that those companies overestimated the support they would have by banning conservatives and President Trump. Even many people on the left might think it was going too far to band a President.

  3. “…German Chancellor Angela Merkel is no fan of President Trump, but even she is speaking out against Twitter’s decision to ban him, calling it “problematic.”…”

    Fuck Angela Merkel and fuck all of you Euro-trash globalists. Fuck WEF and your new world order/great reset.

    Wake up America – get your face out of facebook and the other the Anti-American legacy media sources, and learn what is happening to your country.

  4. There is a reason they FEEL this way.

    They are FULL of their Nazi and totalitarian Germanic…GUILT. As they should be STILL.

    That’s why. They know it’s wrong and what it COULD lead to…

  5. Joe’s not even in office yet, and Merkel is aleady slapping him around:

    “Last week, China appeared to secure an investment agreement with the European Union. The deal, which has been long in the works and still needs to be ratified by the European Parliament, comes at a curious moment. E.U. officials looked past the last-minute entreaty of a top aide to President-elect Joe Biden, who hoped Brussels would stall in order to first have consultations with a new U.S. administration that’s less than three weeks from taking office.
    Instead, the agreement was pushed through in the final moments of 2020 as Germany’s term in the rotating seat of the E.U. presidency came to an end.”


    Don’t worry, Joe. China will make her STFU about Twitter. But you’re a weak fool who’s in over his head and even mire beholden to China than Merkel. And we will all pay dearly for that.

  6. I’ll tell you what the Euroweannies are worried about, it’s the fact that they know how corrupt biden is and they know there will be no protection coming from the US for anything. Even though Trump was driving a hard bargain, they knew that all they had to do was play fair and we were a genuine ally. With biden, they know for sure he is a corrupt son of a bitch that owes his family fortune to the criminals in power.

  7. Our incoming government will be more than happy to step in to protect big tech even more before they’ll let them suffer damage. To valuable a commodity to lose.

  8. Big Tech may not realize the threat they are making themselves – big government is not going to stand for anyone with more power than they have. Even Stalin turned on those that got him to power once he was installed.

  9. This started when American tech companies helped China and Russia track down political dissidents and Congress looked the other way. Yahoo, Google…all of them helped in the purge in exchange for access to their markets.

    Now the dekulakization is here.

    Every dictator can now say his opposition is dangerous and they will help track them down or suspend doing business in their country.

    The media is the enemy of the people but Big Tech are the agents of oppression.


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