Even Homer Gets Cancelled By Leftist Mob – IOTW Report

Even Homer Gets Cancelled By Leftist Mob

Geller Report:

When the right did nothing for years when we were all being cancelled, where did they think it would lead?

A Massachusetts school has banned ‘The Odyssey.’

By Meghan Cox Gordon, By The Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2020:

A sustained effort is under way to deny children access to literature. Under the slogan #DisruptTexts, critical-theory ideologues, schoolteachers and Twitter agitators are purging and propagandizing against classic texts—everything from Homer to F. Scott Fitzgerald to Dr. Seuss.


14 Comments on Even Homer Gets Cancelled By Leftist Mob

  1. Book burning. It’s what Nazis do.

    I have to laugh, though, because when most of the “Left” think “Homer”, I’m sure it’s “Simpson”.

    The gods must be crazy. Does the Left know how superstitious and backward they make themselves look to the normal world?

  2. This stealing of everything America will not stop until we who care stop allowing it.

    We are complacently allowing election fraud. The place to stop the steal is at the precinct level. If the people of a precinct don’t rise up, no one will care.

    Congress works for us, but we are their serfs. They have proven over and over that they don’t give a damn about ‘the deplorables’. Their disdain is showing by endorsing the fraud president defect. By NOT exposing the fraud pandemic. Their ‘investigations are a joke, their ‘bills’ worthless pittance.

    You are appalled at the amounts of funds going to foreigners under the wing of the misnamed COVID relief bill? How do you think the congress persons get rich? THEY LAUNDER MONEY through those ‘awards’ to Pakistani gender whatevers, and studies of shrimp on treadmills, and so on: GET IT? Congressional GRIFTERS!

  3. https://youtu.be/k8Qze0ifhlY

    “The night is black
    Without a moon

    The air is thick and still

    The vigilantes gather on

    The lonely torchlit hill

    Features distorted in the flickering light
    Faces are twisted and grotesque

    Silent and stern in the sweltering night
    Mob moves like demons possesed

    Quiet in conscience, calm in their right
    Confident their ways are best

    Ooh, ahh

    The righteous rise

    With burning eyes

    Of hatred and ill-will

    Madmen fed on fear and lies

    To beat and burn and kill

    They say there are strangers who threaten us

    Our immigrants and infidels

    They say there is strangeness, too dangerous

    In our theatres and bookstore shelves

    Those who know what’s best for us

    Must rise and save us from ourselves

    Quick to judge
    Quick to anger
    Slow to understand

    Ignorance and prejudice

    And fear, walk hand in hand”
    -Rush, “Witch Hunt”


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