Even Noam Chomsky thinks antifa is “generally self-destructive” and “violent” – IOTW Report

Even Noam Chomsky thinks antifa is “generally self-destructive” and “violent”

Clash Daily:

Dear CNN: Major Liberal Leader SLAMS Your Beloved AltLeft ‘Protesters’ – Is That News?

It’s not often we get to say that we agree with this guy on anything.
But even HE thinks Antifa is bad news.

Noam Chomsky is often on the wrong side of history.

The man cheered the rise of Pol Pot for example.

But even he is no fan of Antifa.

While some of his arguments WHY are weak and flawed (no surprise there), and least he’s got the good sense to oppose them.  read more

13 Comments on Even Noam Chomsky thinks antifa is “generally self-destructive” and “violent”

  1. Antifa’s violence is borne from their desperation, and complete lack of message or paradigm, except destroy, yell, and protest (sort of like the dnc/communist party).

  2. It would just be easier on me if each movement had a color. Black lives matter has a color. The greens are already taken, same as the reds, the rainbow crowd, Occupy and the 99% and the antifa seem like the same group, they are violent, they wear masks, they wear black…. black is already taken, how about labeling their “movement” (heh!) the color of human excreta, the caca brownies?

  3. Hard core communists.

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

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