Even the NYT Called Out Bidenomics – IOTW Report

Even the NYT Called Out Bidenomics

Biden’s increasingly delusional chronic lying has become so egregious, even The New York Times is calling it out — admitting Biden “has made some misleading statements” in recent weeks. Ya think?

10 Comments on Even the NYT Called Out Bidenomics

  1. My loathing of that steaming pile of shit is 40+ yrs. old. Up until the last few weeks he has pulled bogus numbers out of his ass and has never been called out by the MSM. It’s obvious that we’re in for a switcheroo any day now. FJB with a mesquite branch.

  2. Pulitzers Pullets

    Why did Fiona Hill, Evelyn Farkus, A Ballerina and a bunch of Academia Gov Grifters suddenly appear a day or two before and everyday after the arrest of treasonsous traitors that are not American?

    And has NOTHING to do with U.S.

    And, also, Ukraine is NOT NATO
    Never has been

    Not Nikke makes 3

    1, 2, 3 Locked Box

  3. Angus – What I’ve noticed is that when things get so obvious (like now) these Liberal Shitbags change their tune just to pump up their creds!
    Just like asshole democRATz in an election year!

  4. Guess who was just on msNBC?
    Evelyn Farkas

    Guess what?

    She said all the State Department lines a ex-State Department retiree would say when caught.

    She has dirt on 200,000 Russians.
    Their Passport numbers they used when they signed the Petitions that were created by Evelyns Groups and called for the overthrow of a Foreign Countries Leader.

    Ypu know, Election Interference.

    Anyways, she got the lists and she is keeping it safe in the state safes so they can use it as needed to foment mo when needed.

    She also slipped up and revealed what she/THEY are really after. At the end of the day.

    Guess what she/they want?





    The Hillary Effect


    They want to GOV Seize Uranium.

    ^^^ None of the above is AI or made up

  5. Q: What the difference between the NYT and a broken clock?

    A: A broken clock is right twice a day. The NYT maybe twice annually if it’s a very good year.

    I was talking with some people the other day about the LAT laying off a bunch of journalists and one mentioned that journalists were like scientists, their opinion depended on who was paying them. Someone else made the point that he was using journalist and scientist as synonyms for prostitute.


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