Even the socialists are upset with the Democrat leadership – IOTW Report

Even the socialists are upset with the Democrat leadership

American Thinker:
By Ed Timperlake

A priceless moment in history was just created by Speaker Pelosi.

Irony of ironies, the far-left World Socialist Web Site just called out the incredibly stupid and foolish statements she made on her April 30,2022 visit to Ukraine:

Over the weekend, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives and second in the line of presidential succession, traveled in secret to the war zone of Kiev, Ukraine and pledged a commitment by the United States to ensure “victory” against Russia.

Repeating the false premise that the United States’ involvement in the war with Russia is about helping Ukraine, an embattled ally, Pelosi told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “Our commitment is to be there for you until the fight is done.” She added, “We stand with Ukraine until victory is won.”

In essence, the Democrat speaker of our one-party-rule country just pledged the full majesty and power of America to beating the Russians in Ukraine.  more here h/t NAAC

14 Comments on Even the socialists are upset with the Democrat leadership

  1. This is Democrats guarding the food bowl.

    No more.

    No less.

    And they will spend every last drop of YOUR blood to do it.

    And several billion other people’s besides.

  2. Stupid BASTRAGES at the top forgot 2 rules:

    1) To trickle down to the party faithful. Not Just Pelosi & the Top

    2) Once you kill the Cow there is no more milk. They will cause a recession.

    Inflation is way too high and no matter what, their Proletariat BASE is falling behing faster than the Handouts.

  3. …I’m still struck by the fact that, for the capitol of a nation supposedly in the throes of total war with a completely ruthless enemy, that Evil Granma can stand around without a flak jacket or anything and bloviate to her black, evil heart’s content in a building with light, heat, and power and no bombs going off outside.

    …it’s almost like the devistation isn’t as total as they would like us to believe, or something…

  4. aleon MAY 8, 2022 AT 1:30 PM
    “The detergent used to launder money by the democraps is blood.”

    …actually, urine has been used for a long time to make whites whiter and colors brighter. There used to be people called “fullers” who collected urine from public toilets and used it, mostly because of the ammonia, to clean clothes.


    …this, too, would be appropriate to Democrats as they’ve been pretty much pissing on us continuously since they stole the election in 2020.

    And nuclear war may well be one of the consequences.

    One which THEY will live through, and they KNOW it.

    …so to them, it’s just like the Skynet solution in the Terminator movies, get the Russians to eliminate their useless eaters and give them an excuse to reap souls worldwide for their master satan, then pop up in a few months or a year and rule the ashes, as the absolute monarchs of all they survey.

    As Milton quotes their master satan in such matters, “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”.

    …and you can be sure they truly believe that.

    As the war they are provoking will amply prove.

  5. …and MJA, that smirking thumbnail of Nasty is truly a disgusting exercise in imperial smugness. This conveys her being evil, KNOWING she’s being evil, and smugly assured that the peasants KNOW it but are powerless to STOP her.

    Truly you captured her essence.

    I hate it.

  6. We stand with Ukraine until victory is won.

    So… Who’s taking her place as Speaker of The House? While she’s standing around in Kyiv?


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